Welcome to the specialized portion of DoD Electronic Commerce Day. Please read over the detailed schedule and identify the presentations among the eight tracks. We have grouped the presentations by functional business area and related presentations will be conducted in the same meeting room. During the presentations, we hope to portray how that functional business area is embracing EC as part of the reengineered business process to improve warfighter support, trading partner interface, and the DoD business infrastructure. We have coordinated the tracks along one-hour blocks so you are free to pick and choose to attend individual presentations among the different tracks. No advanced signups are required and seating will be first-come first-seated. o help you plan your attendance, we have provided a description of the track groupings, name of the track moderator and synopsis and name of the speaker for each presentation. Many of the one-hour blocks have more than one speaker and some will be exciting discussion oriented panels discussing a similar topic.

Room Hemisphere B

Electronic Commerce/Electronic Business Operations that provide online payment capability and access to financial information between buyers and sellers including government, industry partners and the public. Such EC systems typically use electronic receipt and payment of transactions to reduce manual input; disbursement costs and backlogs while improving accuracy, speed, and overall customer service.

Track Moderator is Mr. Raymond J. Lewis Jr., Chief, Finance Team, Technology & Business Integration Division, JECPO

Room Hemisphere A

Electronic Commerce/Electronic Business Operations that implement all aspects of the contracting process using electronic commerce technologies. Such EC systems typically create, store and retrieve documents electronically and share them with DoD users and trading partners. Aspects of the contracting process to use electronic commerce technologies may include contractor selection, contract writing, administration, payment and accounting, auditing and contract reconciliation and close out. Includes systems that interface with and reduce reliance on legacy systems, implement standard procurement and payment systems, and develop electronic linkages between all phases of the acquisition process. Also includes examples of vendor processes that allow DoD to take advantage of private sector distribution capabilities and electronic data processing.

Track Moderator is Mr. Miles Holtzman, JECPO

Technical Infrastructure
Room Meridian E

Technical infrastructure includes information technologies structure, hardware and software components, their relationships, and the principles and guidelines governing their design and evolution over time. Any electronic commerce infrastructure items and their interactions that allow DoD to accomplish the business transactions needed for DoD to accomplish its national defense missions.

Track Moderator is Mr. Brett Kerr, JECPO

Information Assurance
Room Meridian C

Security systems to facilitate electronic commerce in an environment that is reliable and promotes confidence among DoD and industry partners and the public. Examples are software that encrypts the information sent over public networks; systems which confirm the identity of individuals who are sending and reading encrypted information; digital signature and encryption; other validated electronic authentication procedures.

Track Moderator is Geri Lyons, JECPO

Advanced Technologies
Room Continental C

Systems that utilize future electronic commerce techniques and advanced information technologies to provide the highest level of support to the warfighter or the business functions.

Track Moderator is Mr. Don O'Brien, JECPO

Personnel Support - Medical/Personnel/Travel
Room Continental B

Electronic Commerce/Electronic Business Operations that use information technologies to expedite all aspects of support to the individual including subsistence, clothing, medical care, personnel records management and travel (authorization, planning, and reimbursement).

Track Moderator is Mr. Chuck Rumford, ECRC, Westchester, PA

Logistics I & Logistics II
Rooms are Polaris A & B (two simultaneous presentations)

An integrated architecture made up of software components that provide standard, modular, systems support and applications and functionality for a tailored set of business applications, i.e., material management, depot maintenance, distribution, transportation, and medical logistics, using electronic commerce techniques and solutions to provide direct support to the logistics functions of acquisition, storage, movement, distribution, maintenance, evacuation, and disposition of material.

Track Moderators are LTC Richard L. Modell, HQ DLA and Ms. Linda Fowble, JECPO

Meeting Announcement | EC Day Description & Awards | Schedule | Tracks
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