Meeting Description & Awards

Introducing the Department of Defense EC Day 1999 & AFEI Summer Symposium 1999 - Electronic Business in Action.

The Joint Electronic Commerce Program Office (JECPO) in partnership with the Association For Enterprise Integration (AFEI) bring this event to you to exchange ideas and discuss real world lessons on a myriad of electronic business issues. You will gain first hand knowledge about EC activities that are successfully underway to better support the warfighter, and streamline business processes through collaborative industry trading partnerships

The Internet is shaping business behavior on a global scale. Studies have shown that seventy-five percent of Internet transactions are business to business but consumers are beginning to trust the on-line purchase power and it is expected that the business to consumer percentage will increase at an unprecedented rate in the next millennium. The Internet explosion is also shaping the business processes and procedures across federal, state and local governments. Comprehensive information frameworks are being established across all functional areas of government business, from improving peacekeeping and go-to-war requirements to personnel management, systems acquisition, supply chain management and finance.

The JECPO is the designated DoD Executive Agent responsible for facilitating the implementation and acceleration of electronic business practices and associated information technologies to improve DoD processes and to support weapons combat support systems throughout their life cycles.

The purpose for DoD EC Day 1999 is to reach the functional business areas and break the paradigm that EC is the exclusive domain of the IT professional. We want the functional business areas to embrace EC as part of the reengineered business processes. We intend to provide numerous presentations for functional managers to see what has been done with EC to improve warfighter support, trading partner interface, and the DoD business infrastructure.

DepSecDef and other speakers will set the stage for challenging the functional manager and EC communities to find solutions that will make DoD a leader in using EC to improve business processes. In addition, the DepSecDef will present six EC awards to organizations already making extraordinary progress in EC. The Information Security panel of experts will provide different views of how industry and government are attacking the challenges of ensuring security of operations in an EC environment. After the panel we will present tracks of presentations in seven specific business areas. Sometime while you are here, take a break to visit over 40 exhibit booths showing various existing EC systems in both industry and government.

AFEI is an association for corporate and individual members whose common goal is to advance enterprise integration and world class electronic business practices for industries and government.

AFEI symposium speakers from government and industry will discuss current and future strategies for doing business in this cyber-centric environment. Hear how government leaders and business practitioners are streamlining archaic procurement processes, converting manual information to digital, improving manufacturing productivity and achieving costs reductions.


1. BEST DOD ELECTRONIC BUSINESS WEB SITE - This award will recognize a DoD operational web site, which conducts some form of business transaction through the nominated web site. Nominations will address increased efficiency, decreased cycle time or increased services due to this site. The benefit will be documented by describing the benefits over the methods replaced by the web site, customer acceptance and use of the web site, the recognized efficiencies (tangible and intangible), and the ability to reduce cycle times or infrastructure. Customer documented comments are acceptable. This approach will permit a wide range of nominations, especially small sites that may not be otherwise be recognized.

2. DoD ELECTRONIC COMMERCE PIONEER - This award will recognize any DoD Electronic Commerce or EC related initiative which "pushes the current state of EC" in terms of employing leading edge technologies (creativity in security applications, networking, database applications or new industry standards), reducing an antiquated paradigm, or any innovation demonstrating a high level of government creativity to garner efficiencies for the organization. By design, this award is "open-ended", but must have a clear relationship to electronic commerce. This initiative does not need to be fully implemented, but must be a demonstrated prototype.

3. BEST ELECTRONIC COMMERCE TEAM (TWO AWARDS) - This award will recognize the teaming of a governmental agency and Industry, which has emphasized a "SUPPLY CHAIN FOCUS" and technology infusion. This award will recognize any team, which has made outstanding achievements in the advancement of EC principles or applications within DoD. Recommended team size is 10 or less, but larger teams will be considered. A team award will be presented to the designated team leaders, along with certificates to all team participants. There will be two awards in this category: · one to a certified small business/government team and · one to a large business/government team.

4. BEST ELECTRONIC COMMERCE PARTNER - INDUSTRY ONLY (TWO AWARDS) - This award is designed solely for a DoD industry partner. Nominations must come from a DoD organization that wishes to recognize an industry partner that has made an outstanding contribution to DoD EC efforts. Examples may include an industry partner with an outstanding record of "on-time, at or below cost, and value-added". Nominations should focus on and discuss the partnering aspects that the vendor demonstrated during the project. Vendors may be from commercial, educational or non-profit sectors. The activities cited must clearly be EC related and have made an impact on DoD's EC goals. Finally, this award can recognize completed or on-going activity. There will be two awards in this category: · one to a certified small business and · one to a large business.

"We stand at a pivotal in history . . . to succeed in this uncertain future, we need to have a force for the future . . . "
The Secretary of Defense
William R. Cohen

"The Joint Electronic Commerce Program Office will help to take defense business operations into the 21st century . . . "
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense
The Honorable Dr. John J. Hamre

Meeting Announcement | EC Day Description & Awards | Schedule | Tracks
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