Advanced Technologies Track, Continental C
Moderator: Don O'Brien, DARPA/DLA

11:15-12:00 Highly Distributed Processes and Networks In EC
Don O'Brien, DARPA/DLA

This overview of the DARPA/DLA Advanced Logistics Program (ALP) will show how the distributed architecture is being used in DLA to identify and source items from the virtual inventory during both peacetime operations to war planning, and finally to execution and monitoring of war time plans. ALP uses a highly distributed architecture, called clusters, to emulate the roles played by the military organizational hierarchy. The cluster architecture is key to accomplishing Focused Logistics envisioned by JCS Vision 2020 and can accomplish the full range of war planning activities.

13:30-14:30 eXtensible Markup Language (XML)

eXtensible Markup Language (XML) Tutorial
Speaker: TBA

Product Data Markup Language
Donald Hall, Acquisition Team Chief, Technology and Business Integration Team, JECPO.

Product Data Markup Language (PDML) is a mechanism for achieving interoperability among heterogeneous Product Data Management (PDM) systems. Based on XML, PDML provides the potential for an interoperable product data repository environment that spans government and contractor hosted data storage sites. This presentation will discuss PDML, its potential application and a JECPO initiative to develop and demonstrate PDML through a team of PDM vendors and government repository user personnel.

14:45-15:45 XML/EDI - What can it deliver?
Bruce Peat, GovXML Consortium

This presentation gives key insights into XML and how to transform a technology into sound business utilizations. XML based tools provide a linga-franca for eBusiness and provide an ability to fulfill the paperless government mandate. Presentation will address how government systems should respond and adapt to these emerging commercial XML-based electronic business standards.

16:00-17:00 Case studies - using XML today
David Webber, GovXML Consortium

This presentation reviews the XML tools available from major vendors such as Oracle, Microsoft, IBM, Netscape, and others, providing a critical in-depth look at the capabilities and pitfalls of these new and emerging tools. Actual implementations are demonstrated and discussed. This session is intended to be a practical illustration of the broad range of utility for XML components and how these same methods can be successfully applied to Government EC scenarios.


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