Acquisition / Contracting Track, Hemisphere A
Moderator: Miles Holtzman, Chief of the Contracts Team, JECPO

11:15-12:00 Paperless Contracting

UK Smart Procurement (JIGSAW Project)
Lt Col Rick Evans, Manager, Defense Electronic Commerce Service (DECS), UK Ministry of Defense (MOD) This project is set to deliver a comprehensive messaging service connecting UK MOD to its trading partners, supporting order management, receipting of goods, and billing payments. Set against the background of Smart Procurement - Better, Faster, Cheaper - and driven by major changes in the MOD's procurement business processes, EC is the critical enabler for the JIGSAW project. JIGSAW's key aims are to reduce the cost of purchasing and improve supply chain management in support of military operations.

Navy Small Procurement Electronic Data Interchange (SPEDI)
Pat Christensen, NAWCWD, US Navy

SPEDI is a fully operational order management system featuring Internet-based on-line catalogs. Orders are placed and confirmed via American National Standards Institutes' (ANSI) X.12 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) data exchanges. Material is delivered with bar coded labels and tracked through final receipt. SPEDI is an Evaluated Receipt System (ERS) activating vendor payment via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). The customer still shops from the desktop, but SPEDI selects the vendor based on site-specific parameters.

Soldier Systems Center (SSC) End-to-End Paperless Contracting
MAJ Sean O'Day, the Deputy, Natick Contracting Division, at the AMC Acquisition Center, U.S. Army Soldier & Biological Chemical Command

SSC teamed with the Defense Contracting Management Command (DCMC), Electronic Commerce Resource Center (ECRC), Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS), Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA), and industry to pilot an end-to-end paperless contracting approach for both weapon systems and spares procurements to meet the January 2000 mandate for paperless contracting within DoD. The pilot reengineered business process flows eliminating non-value added steps and identified current technologies supporting paperless electronic processes, tested security issues in transmission and storage, piloted the Electronic Document Access (EDA), Web Invoicing System (WinS) and Wide Area Workflow (WAWF).

13:30-14:30 Sellers Model

DoD Business Opportunities
Rick Clark, Manager, JECPO

It has long been the perception that doing business with the DoD was a hard, slow, and often confusing process. However, with the utilization of web technologies and EC, , doing business with the DoD can be easier than it has ever been before. The goal of the DoD Business Opportunities website ( is to provide a single point of entry for vendors to identify business opportunities within the DoD Components and locate the pools of procurement and acquisition information such as the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) and the DoD Component's technical data repositories.

Army Single Face to Industry
Jodi Santamaria, Procurement Analyst, SARD-PA, US Army
waiting for synopsis

Air Force Electronic Posting System (EPS)
CAPT Lee Kair, US Air Force SAF/AQCI

The Air Force (AF) is using GSA's EPS, a government off-the-shelf product. EPS is the AF's central location for requirements (solicitations). This allows vendors to easily search AF-wide requirements, expanding the potential vendor base. EPS works in concert with the JECPO's DoD Business Opportunities page (the DoD single entry point for DoD requirements). EPS will reduce overhead costs by eliminating redundant systems at AF bases worldwide and realing cost avoidance in printing/copying, mail distribution/preparation and postage/mailing.

Navy Electronic Commerce On-Line (NECO)
Matthew M. Nielsen, Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP), US Navy

Navy Electronic Commerce On-Line (NECO) is an electronic commerce (EC) system for procurement with impact on financial and other communities. It is a low cost, easily accessible Internet-based system for contracting activities and vendors to conduct business. It breaks down the cost and technology barriers presented by the previous DoD EC system and increases the participation of the commercial sector (1000+ vendors), especially small businesses. NECO has processed more than 10,000 documents. Benefits accrue to vendors, government sites and ultimately to the warfighter through increased competition and lower overall cost.

Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Procurement Gateway
Mr. Ralph Colavita, Chief, Strategic Acquisition Systems, Defense Supply Center Philadelphia

In an attempt to provide unified information to contractors, the DLA Procurement Gateway was established as an integrated collection of automated systems providing oversight for the management of procurement data from DLA Supply Centers. All RFQs and Awards are stored in digital format (PDF) and may be viewed online in the Procurement Gateway, allowing prospective government contractors to perform comprehensive and detailed searches against RFQ and Award documents using a variety of search criteria. The Collection Download option allows users to search and collect files on RFQs by the FSC search criteria.

14:45-15:45 Buyers Model

Gabrielle G. Zimmerman, Deputy Program Manager, DoD EMALL, JECPO

The DoD Electronic Mall (EMALL) system is an internet-based ordering service that allows DoD and Federal personnel to search and order parts using links to Supply Centers and vendors' electronic catalogs. DoD EMALL allows people to track orders on-line with payments done by a purchase card or MILSBILS fund cite. This presentation will cover background and introduction of DoD EMALL, the current status of the system as well as short and long term projections. Time permitted, there will also be a demonstration of DoD EMALL.

DoD Purchase Card Program
LTC John McMonigle, SARDA PI, Headquarters, Dept of the Army

The Purchase Card program is designed to allow the for a web-based, decentralized procurement process from the initial purchase to end user, including DFAS paying vendor bills electronically. The Purchase Card program is a viable DoD success story, which has not been yet able to maximize its efficiencies. The new Purchase Card program will marry its proven procurement efficiencies with electronic data interface with DFAS to streamline the payment process which has undergone a business process reengineering phase to optimize this new electronic practice.

16:00-17:00 Electronic Procurement

Electronic Commerce Gateway
Commander Joe Scarpa, Supply Corps, USN, Director, Contracts Policy and Electronic Contracting, NAVICP and Francis L. Bengtson, Director, Business Development, Lockheed Martin Shared Services

The principal drivers at Naval Inventory Control Point (NAVICP) and Lockheed Martin are presenting the paper-free acquisition process. Lockheed Martin's establishment of a singular EC gateway for all Lockheed Martin subsidiary business units culminates a two-year partnership. All NAVICP electronic contracting documents and data for 30 Lockheed Martin units use one Lockheed Martin address. Lessons learned in infrastructure development and change management, including driving down cycle time, will be discussed.

The Enterprise Solution
Donna Felix, USA STRICOM and Scott Cunningham, Lockheed Martin Information Systems

Overview of the initiatives between LMIS / STRICOM on EC/IDE Solutions.

Internet Based Procurement System (IBPS)
George Woodard, Air Force NAF Purchasing Office (AFNAFPO) (AFSVA/SVC)

The IBPS supports NAF business functions and industry trading partners by providing purchasing and contract management support to all offices which are supported with nonappropriated funds (NAFs). The IBPS system provides purchasing support from end-user requirement definition/purchase request generation through receipt of goods or services. It routes purchase requests to management for approvals, to resource advisors for fund certification, and to the NAF purchasing office for award.


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