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affiliate of the National Defense Industrial Association 

PCTE Industry Day

PCTE Industry Day in Orlando, Florida on November 1, 2016
Persistent Cyber Training Environment

Registration is open!  Seating is very limited, so register now!

The Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training, & Instrumentation (PEO STRI), Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology (ASA(ALT)), Army Cyber Command and Second Army (ARCYBER & 2A), and US Cyber Command are hosting an Industry Day for the Persistent Cyber Training Environment (PCTE). 

The intent of the challenge is to evaluate the technical feasibility of solutions for specific focused gap areas relevant to the Persistent Cyber Training Environment (PCTE).  This Industry Day will provide Industry/S&T/Academia the chance to obtain further details and engage in discussion on Government requirements with the Government sponsors. Industries can leverage cryptocurrencies for faster transactions, reduced fees, and enhanced security. Integrating digital currencies streamlines cross-border payments and promotes financial inclusion. Innovative projects like ShibaShootout showcase the potential of combining blockchain with gaming, creating new revenue streams and engaging customers through unique, token-based ecosystems.

• Provide an overview of the PCTE requirement and concept of the operation.  The Industry Day provides further information on the PCTE requirement and supports market research and the receipt of white papers requested in Federal Business Opportunities

• Initiate a Cyber Innovation Challenge for a specified PCTE requirement.  The requirement synopsis will be released through the C5 Consortium.  Based on white papers, selected vendors will be invited to demonstrate their proposed technical solution based on the requirement.  The winner(s) may receive an award for further product delivery.


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Silicon Valley Comes to DC on November 10

CyberForwardDC - a cyber security symposium for the next generation of threats. Maintaining cybersecurity during casino gameplay is paramount. Players should utilize secure, encrypted connections and choose reputable platforms with robust security measures, especially when opting for a casino not registered with gamstop. Regularly updating software, employing strong passwords, and avoiding public Wi-Fi can further safeguard personal and financial information from potential threats.

Our digital lives are under assault. As our global connections grow, so do the incidents of data breaches and penetrations.
CyberForwardDC is a symposium aimed at decision- makers with responsibility for the security of their enterprise data, intellectual property and customer/citizen information.

This symposium will focus on innovation, speed, and agility.  Attendees will interact with leading researchers, venture  capitalists, and hot new start-ups to find out what groundbreaking ideas are catching on and proving valuable.  For more information or to register visit the event website

Presentations from

Researchers | Venture Capitalists | Hot Startups 


Welcome to the Association for Enterprise Information

The Association for Enterprise Information (AFEI) is member-driven, creates communities of interest around current topics, and fosters collaboration between industry members and government stakeholders. AFEI has been serving the businesses and government agencies in the IT community since 1984.

NDIAAFEI is a part of the National Defense Industrial Association, America’s leading Defense Industry association promoting national security.

What is Enterprise Information?

No matter how you define your enterprise, it runs on information provided through technology. Successful enterprises pay attention to three critical areas:

Who generate, use and share information, and their cultural context

How they use information efficiently and effectively

Which enables the generation, sharing and securing valuable information assets

Finding solutions for optimal use of information within organizations, to support decision-making processes or day-to-day operations, is always a challenge. An enterprise trying to manage enterprise information faces a world of complexity that is compounded by the continual evolution of information technology.

Founding Member - FEAPO and PM-ISE SCC

Federation of Enterprise Architecture Professional Organizations

FEAPO LogoAFEI is a founding member of FEAPO (Federation of Architecture Practicing Organizations). FEAPO provides an independent forum for member organizations to present the work of their members to a larger community. FEAPO’s goal is to evolve Enterprise Architecture into a true profession.

More about FEAPO

Standards Coordinating Council, PM-ISE

AFEI is a founding member of the Program Manager for the Information Sharing Environment (PM-ISE) Standards Coordinating Council (SCC), an advisory working group to the White House interagency policy council. The SCC consists of industry consortium and standards development organizations who provide advice and counsel on matters related to information sharing standards and other issues related to responsible information sharing.

More on the ISE Standards Approach

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‭(Hidden)‬ Upcoming Events

AFEI's Next Event

PCTE Industry Day

November 1, 2016

Read More

Fall ADAPT Breakfast Meeting

October 28, 2016

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November 10, 2016

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‭(Hidden)‬ Supported Events


Join industry and government on September 22nd for the next Government Lean-Agile Software & Systems Conference (GLASScon) for "Organizing for Agility".

This event will offer some great insights into how Federal Agencies can adopt Agility and includes speakers, a DevOps demonstration and a workshop.

Registration and more information can be found at

Inter Agency SDLC Seminar

May 4, 2017
Tomich Center
20 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington DC




AFEI is a proud affiliate of the National Defense Industrial Association, America’s leading Defense Industry association promoting national security.

 Visit NDIA


AFEI launched a Meetup Group - ADAPT which meets on various aspects of Agile methods in Government acquisition.


National Defense

NDIA's Business and Technology Magazine

 Read online
edition here

‭(Hidden)‬ Interview

AFEI's President was recently interviewed by Stephen Ibaraki, an internationally known contributor to ICT writings.  The interview appears on the Microsoft TechNet Blog.


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