Finance Track, Hemisphere B
Moderator: Ray Lewis, JECPO

11:15-12:00 Electronic Document Access

Sylvia Young, DFAS EDA is a web based distributed document access system which offers the Department of Defense the opportunity to store and retrieve contract documents electronically. This reduces the need to print, mail, file/store and manage paper. Designed to integrate with other electronic document initiatives, EDA is fast becoming a Department-wide virtual file cabinet. Authorized users using Internet tools from nearly any location within DoD can access these electronic documents.

13:30-14:30 Fast Pay

Electronic Payment Folder
William Tinston, PC-WIPT Electronic Payment Folder (formerly Wide Area Work Flow) will provide the technical approach to integrate and apply available technologies with web interactive forms as a prototype business solution. The goal is to enable authorized government vendors and Department of Defense personnel to access the documents required for a payment action in a paperless environment.

Web Invoicing System (WinS)
Diana Buttrey, DFAS DFAS implemented the Web Invoicing System (WinS) project to enable paper based vendors to send invoices electronically with minimal cost. WinS does not require the vendor to utilize translation software or Value Added Network (VAN) services. Vendors obtain a user id and password and then simply fill in invoice information on a pre-formatted screen and submit data for processing.

14:45-15:45 Reengineering Vendor Payment Processes

Defense Procurement Payment System (DPPS)
Robert L. Munn, Col, USAF, DFAS

This is a DoD Major Automated Information System Acquisition Program that is chartered to reengineer the business process for the contract and vendor entitlement business areas within DoD. The new business process will be augmented with the support of a new entitlement system. DPPS will resolve long standing Department level issues involving problem entitlements.

Partnership Success - Improving Your DoD Business Strategy
Debbie Cramer, DFAS and Evelyn Thompson, Lockheed Martin DFAS Columbus and Lockheed Martin discuss their successful plans to improve cash flow by reducing invoice turnaround time. This is a practical lesson in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) implementation strategies.

16:00-17:00 DFAS Initiatives

DFAS Corporate Information Infrastructure
Joanne P. Arnette, DFAS

DFAS explains the common development and test infrastructure that precludes allowing each emerging new system development or reengineering effort to build its own unique technical infrastructure. DFAS has also built a production infrastructure that DFAS maintains to support these developing efforts and support other data sharing requirements.

Electronic Transmission of Child Support Orders
Rodney Winn, DFAS DFAS worked with federal and state organizations as well as the ANSI standards (X-12) group to develop the 521 transaction (electronic child support order). DFAS and Lockheed Martin are jointly conducting a pilot project to test this process. The transmission sends the data elements that comprise the electronic version of the child support orders. The electronic process has the potential for extensive savings for support agencies and public and private employers who process child support orders.


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