The Association For Enterprise
Integration (AFEI) & The Joint
Electronic Commerce Program
Office sponsor
The 2nd Annual DoD EC Day
The International Trade Center
Washington, DC; June 9-11, 1999

CLICK HERE FOR PRESENTATIONS The names of presentors mentioned in the text below are linked to their biographies. To view their presentations click on the link above.

AFEI Summer
Symposium 1999
June 9 and June 11
Association Overview

The second summer meeting since the formation of the Association For Enterprise Integration was held in conjunction with the Department of Defense EC Day 1999. Turn out for the symposium was a great success with more than 60 attending Wednesday's program and 50 attendees at the Friday breakfast session. General feedback from the attendees was positive.

Wednesday, June 9
Guy Curtis
, Chairman, AFEI Board of Directors, provided opening remarks for the Symposium with an overview of the event and recognizing the AFEI members, sponsoring companies for their support and the DoD EC Day exhibitors.


Dr. Marvin Langston gave the attendees a verbal update on the activities of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, Chief Information Office. He was followed by Gary Bachula, the Under Secretary for Technology (Acting), Department of Commerce. Both speakers stressed the importance of Electronic Business / Electronic Commerce for the day-to-day business operations of two of the largest federal government agencies.

Jim Mandracchia, Director, Electronic Commerce, Lockheed Martin Corporation led a high-profile panel in interactive session with a lively audience participating with the aid of hand-held response devices. The panel featured Program Executives from all four military services and an AFEI member company, VISA, USA.

Thursday, June 10
In addition to the DoD EC Day 1999 events, the Embassy Information Awareness Forum (EIAF) convened in session, the first since the January 1999 kick-off meeting at the British Embassy. Although light in attendance, the information exchange was informative and valuable. EIAF news and updates will be posted to the web site periodically.

Friday, June 11
Approximately fifty professionals attended the Symposium breakfast session. Tom Murphy, Vice-Chairman, AFEI Board of Directors, moderated a panel of speakers from five of the association's member companies.

The theme of the morning was The Integrated Enterprise - Is it Possible to Achieve? Featured panelists included, Dr. Sandor Boyson, Research Professor, University of Maryland, Supply Chain Management Center. Dr. Boyson presented Managing the Real Time Supply Chain. (see also World-class Logistics in .pdf format written by Boyson and Corsi) The information was jam packed with real-time statistics as a result of the e-business surveys conducted by the Center. The second speaker of the morning was Patrick Guerra, Vice President, Supply Alliances, Ariba. Mr. Guerra's presented Delivering Integrated Supply Management for Operating Resources. Mr. Guerra was followed by Robert Kiggans, President, Advanced Technologies Institute. Mr. Kiggans spoke personally to each attendee concerning Technology Management in the Integrated Enterprise. The comments and business experiences that Bob relayed to the attendees were truly invaluable.

Larry Gregory, Microsoft Commerce Market Manager, spoke on Technologies for Creating Integrated Enterprises: Today and Tomorrow. We welcome Microsoft as a new member of AFEI.

Jeff Plotnick, Vice President and General Manager, Supply Chain Solutions, Computer Sciences Corporation presented the final presentation of the morning. Jeff spoke on Demystifying the Integrated Enterprise.

The perspectives and experiences presented by this panel of e-business professionals were well received by the audience as evidenced by a number of questions that were asked from the floor. Some of the questions asked were,

(1) Those who have worked in or worked for DoD understand the politics of major program execution (F-22, F-18) and the functional stovepipes that exist. We talk about virtual enterprise, but this will be very difficult for DoD. Any thoughts or advice on what paradigms the business trading partners should initially focus on? (E.g. data acces vs. data delivery, carve out of shared data repositories, invoicing/DD250/payment process)?

(2) Does Ariba include the payment processing part in ORMS, similar to the functions performed by Cybercash?

(3) What do you do when a supplier fails to deliver and leaves you hanging, particularly with a long lead-time product? How do you prevent this?


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