The 2nd Annual DoD EC Day
Presenters Biographies

James C. Mandracchia
Director, Electronic Commerce
Lockheed Martin Corporation

Jim Mandracchia, Director of Electronic Commerce in Lockheed Martin's Enterprise Information Systems, is responsible for defining, planning and executing Lockheed Martin's Electronic Commerce Strategy. His focus is providing a full spectrum of Electronic Commerce products and services to the corporation and the infrastructure necessary to guarantee mission critical performance.

Before joining Lockheed in November 1993, Jim was a Vice President in Science Applications International Corporation, Commercial and International Sector. He was the General Manager of the Touch Communications Business, delivering commercial products and services in the Open Systems Interconnect market. Prior to that assignment, he founded and managed SAIC's Advanced Training Systems Division. Jim began his career at Martin Marietta Corporation, as a digital circuit designer.

Jim has served both in uniform, and as a civil servant for the Department of the Navy. He received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Florida.

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