in cooperation with
The Office of the Principal Deputy Under
Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology & Logistics)

Below in the AGENDA are links to the PRESENTATIONS.
Click on the presenter's name to view the presentation.

The supply chain is the backbone of every manufacturing enterprise. Management of supplies and warehouse inventories is also no longer an operation in the traditional sense. Yet, management of supply data continues to be paramount for the buyers and suppliers. Is there a smarter way to do Supply Chain Management?


7:00am REGISTRATION & Continental Breakfast
Multi-purpose Hallway

8:00am Welcome and Remarks on behalf of AFEI - JC Cinema
RADM Guy H. Curtis, USN (Ret.), Worldwide Government Marketing, Document Service Group, Xerox Corporation & Chairman of the Board, AFEI

8:10am Introductions
GEN Johnnie Wilson, USA (Ret.), President & COO, Dimensions International

8:20am Keynote Address
Mr. Roger W. Kallock, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Logistics)

8:50am Integrating the Supply Chain
DoD Perspective

It is a well-known fact today that data is a powerful commodity. In order to be more competitive and to work more effectively, government to government / government to industry, data must be shared. When suppliers and customers begin to share data, inevitably questions arise. What data will be shared? What level of security must be put in place? What methods must be established to preserve historical records and secure information? Should all legacy data be converted to electronic medium? Integrating the supply chain successfully means finding better ways to communicate government to industry / industry to government. This distinguished panel of DoD leaders will share their views on the importance of Integrating the Supply Chain.

MG James Klugh, USA (Ret.), President, Executive Security Engineering & Technologies, Inc.

Mr. James Eccleston, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Supply Chain Integration
RADM Raymond Archer, USN, Deputy Director, Defense Logistics Agency
BGen Bob Mansfield, USAF, Air Force Director of Supply
MG Celia Adolphi, USAR, Acting Vice Director for Logistics

9:50am Break - Multi-purpose Hallway

10:05am Lessons Learned In Supply Chain Management JC Cinema
Industry Perspective

"As governments adopt new technologies and new approaches to doing what it does, it is going to do business significantly more efficient, and that will free up funding that then can be applied toward additional information technology investment." (Milt Cooper, President, Federal Sector, CSC)

Industry leaders will discuss the important actions necessary to achieve an improved, e-business-enabled supply chain. The benefits for the government customer and the advantages of government and industry working together collectively to achieve an integrated supply chain are the focus of this panel.

Mr. Charles M. Huber, President, Huber Consultants International

Mr. Robert B. Szydlo, Deputy - Wholesale Logistics Modernization Program, Computer Sciences Corporation
MajGen John F. Phillips, USAF (Ret.), Vice President, After Market Growth, Honeywell Corporation
Mr. William Delaney, Sector Vice President, Information Services Sector, Science Applications International Corporation
Mr. Steve Perkins, Senior Vice President, Oracle Federal Services
Mr. Nick Kuzemka, Corporate Director, Acquisition Management, Lockheed Martin Corporation

12:00pm Lunch with guest speakers Multi-Purpose Room
Dr. April Young Ph.D., Senior Vice President & Manager, Mid-Atlantic Emerging Growth Division, Imperial Bank
Mr. Jerry Garrett, Chief Operating Officer, Savi Technology
Mr. Phil Brotherton, Vice President Marketing, ACTA Technology

2:00pm Integrating the Supply Chain JC Cinema
Joint Service Perspective - Protecting the nation's security, the mission of the joint military services, depends on a well-supplied military force. Integrating the supply chain in the field is as important as clear communication of rules and procedures. Senior military leaders will discuss the interface of applications and collaboration of suppliers to achieve an integrated chain of supplies.

GEN Johnnie Wilson, USA (Ret.), President & COO, Dimensions International

Mr. R. Ken Trammell, Executive Director, Marine Corps Materiel Command
VADM James F. Amerault, USN, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Logistics)
Ms. Donna L. Shands, Acting Director for Supply and Maintenance, United States Army
LTG James Link, USA, Deputy Commander, Army Materiel Command

4:00pm Address; Col James C. Aplin, USMC, Assistant Chief of Staff Operations, Marine Corps Materiel Command

5:30pm Reception Pre-function Hall

FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2000

7am REGISTRATION & Continental Breakfast
Multi-purpose Hallway

8am Welcome and Comments JC Cinema
RADM Guy H. Curtis, USN (Ret.), Chairman of the Board, AFEI

Mr. Phil Brotherton, Vice President Marketing, ACTA Technology

View on the impact of integrating real-time, mission critical data with historical data and his perspective of where the use of data is headed in today's eCommerce / eBusiness environment.

9:00am 21st Century Commerce International EXPO 2000 BREIFING
Mr. James R. Crawford, Program Manager, Lockheed Martin Corporation, 21st Century Commerce International EXPO 2000 Chairman

9:30am Break Multi-purpose Hallway

9:45am The Domains of Enterprise Integration (EI) JC Cinema
Mr. Thomas J. Murphy, Vice President, Operations, Information Manufacturing Corporation, Vice Chair, AFEI Board of Directors

AFEI members recognize that change is driven by technology and success is measured on how well businesses or governments adapt to new technology. As technology shifts from government to commercial industry, speed to market becomes a deciding competitive factor. Electronic commerce demands new business rules and new policy and laws.

AFEI, as an association functioning like a business, listens to its customers. AFEI customers are focused on enterprise integration (EI). Four areas of enterprise integration have been identified as the core business domains of AFEI.

12 noon Lunch on your own

12 noon AFEI Board of Directors Meeting (Closed) Assembly Room A (3rd floor)

1:00pm Domain Groups invited to meet separately

AFEI Domain Leaders will present an overview of the activity that is planned in each of the four domains.


MG Celia Louise Adolphi (USAR) VADM James F. Amerault, USN
Col James C. (Charlie) Aplin, USMC RADM Raymond Archer, USN
Phil Brotherton James R. Crawford
Guy H. Curtis, III William J. Delany
James T. Eccleston Jerry Garrett
C. M. (Chuck) Huber Roger W. Kallock
MG James R. Klugh, U.S.A. (RET.) Nick Kuzemka
LTG James M. Link BGen Robert Mansfield Jr.
Thomas J. Murphy Steven R. Perkins
MajGen John F. Phillips Donna L. Shands
Robert B. Szydlo GEN Johnnie E. Wilson
April L. Young