James R. Crawford

Mr. James R. Crawford has over twenty years experience in the information technology arena, and is an internationally recognized leader in the field of information engineering and technologies enabling virtual enterprises. He is the Program Manager for Electronic Commerce (EC) and Computer Acquisition and Logistics Support (CALS) at Lockheed Martin Federal Systems in Virginia where he is responsible for business strategies and consulting.

He has been a principal consultant to the U.S. Department of Defense and NATO in the area of logistics, and is a frequent speaker nationally and in internationally. Previously he supported a series of NATO workshops where he led several teams on business process engineering and data modeling to improve the NATO acquisition and operational support processes. He was recently the Project manager for the NATO CALS Framework Project to develop a concept of operations and supporting data architecture for NATO and allied nations use in cooperative logistics. He has been instrumental in developing the standards and programmatic implementations for the U.S. CALS initiative. He recently chaired the Launch and Steering Committees for the international Product Life Cycle Support initiative. He currently chairs the NATO Industry CALS Group Executive and chairs he International Division of the Association for Enterprise Integration. He has held a variety of management and consulting positions at high-tech companies, including twelve years at IBM. Mr. Crawford holds a degree in mathematics from Davis and Elkins College.