SUMMARY: Twenty-five years of experience operating and supporting basic research, engineering development, testing, and supporting strategic weapons systems. Experience includes documented success in managerial and in senior executive leadership positions. Managed large, complex organizations with total budget in excess of $4.5 billion annually. Comprehensive experience in front-end analysis, management planning, and quality control of large, diverse organizations. Designed and implemented a strategic Department of Defense Logistics system that relied on 16 megacenters' telecommunication capability to modernize support to military training and combat operations. Using both primary and backup telecommunication systems, uninterrupted logistics support was provided to military commanders at all levels. This was done concurrently with benchmarking "best of breed" automation and telecommunication systems found in industry and government engineering and reengineering systems and processes to optimize capabilities and to achieve interface and integration with other functional areas, e.g., procurement and finance. Extensive experience in research, engineering, development, prototyping, modeling and technical and managerial problem solving. Served over eight years in environmental compliance management. Conducted environmental studies, on-site surveys, requirements analysis, impact assessments, public discussions and determined clean-up alternatives. Extensive experience in formal presentations to executive level government officials. Inducted in the South Carolina State University Hall of Fame and also the U.S. Army Chemical Corps Hall of Fame.

CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: Presently serving as President of Executive Security and Engineering Technologies, Inc. (ESET). Under his leadership, ESET is achieving success across the spectrum of information technology, distance learning, telelogistics and telecommunications. He continues to lead the company in refining today's technology to provide solutions to today's challenges and working with customers to develop products and services for their future needs. The superior network reliability and transmission quality delivered by ESET greatly improves the customers' capability to achieve the full benefit of modern telecommunications.

EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE: Served as the Department of Defense, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Logistics), a position of appointment by the President of the United States. This is the senior logistics policy and management position in the Department of Defense. In this regard, oversaw programs consisting of $144B annually and over 100,000 personnel. In this position, had frequent contact with cabinet rank personnel as well as members of both Houses of Congress, senior civilians/general officers of all Military Services, and senior executives/CEOs of major defense firms, presidents and senior faculty members of colleges and universities and all categories of small businesses.

Served over 30 years in the military achieving the rank of Major General. Most of the experience during this time was in research and development, professional development, managerial and leadership positions, ranging from management of small activities to nuclear effects engineering.

Managed the U.S. Army's Chemical, Research, Engineering and Development Laboratories which is one of a kind in the world and the most technical in the Department of Defense. Responsible for chemical and biological defense systems and chemical retaliatory programs. While managing the laboratory, this facility went from the ranking of 18 out of 22 laboratories to being ranked the number one laboratory within a two-year period. During this tenure, the laboratories also received certification and accreditation.

Human Resource Manager. Responsible for staff supervision, direction and policy formulation for personnel management, training, and education, career management and development, and law enforcement and security for 10,000 military and 110,000 civilian personnel. Supervised service schools totaling 60,000 students and over 500 faculty and support personnel.

Managed the coordination, accessions, distribution and professional development of 110,000 U.S. Army military officers and warrant officers. In this regard was responsible for implementing personnel policies and procedures necessary to meet Army requirements. This crossed the entire spectrum and included all functions of personnel management.

Managed Army Logistics Management College. This included development of curricula and establishing capabilities to provide education to DoD and all Military Departments' logistics and research/development engineering candidates. This included allocation of resources, both budget and manpower that resulted in the school being ranked the best institution in DoD. School load consisted of 33,000 civilians of all grades from basic entry, white/blue collar to executives of the highest level of both military and civilian personnel.

Served as Vice President for Research at Automation Research Systems, Ltd., (ARS), a high information technology firm. Primary responsibility was to manage and direct research, engineering and environmental programs. Position involved coordination of ARS activities with the private sectors. Also, performed extensive work in the modification of ARS's policies and procedures to develop capabilities to pursue business opportunities with colleges and universities.

EDUCATION: Degrees:M. S., Major: Public Administration, Shippensburg State CollegeB. S., Major: Chemistry, South Carolina State University

Additional Training:Automation Management and Decision Theory, Florida Institute of TechnologyGraduate, Army War CollegeGraduate, Nuclear Effects EngineeringGraduate, Logistics Executive DevelopmentGraduate, Command & General Staff College