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DEAA Awards Presentations The Vision  

3rd Annual All-Hands Meeting of DoD Enterprise Architecture Professionals

Hosted by the Director of Architecture and Interoperability, Office of the Deputy CIO, Department of Defense and the Association of Enterprise Integration

Leading the DoD Enterprise to Achieve an Information Advantage for our People and Partners

Video and presentations here at the DoD EA Conference media site

Related Information and Updates

The Enterprise Technology Strategist: Aligning IT & Business Strategies - June 23-27

An executive education course focused on Enterprise Architecture offered by the Smeal College of Business at Penn State. AFEI members are eligible for the same discount as members of the Society for Information Management. Contact Brian Cameron (e-mail) to enroll. More

Integration Competency Centers

Mr. John Schmidt spoke at the conference on integration and architecture as being two sides of the same coin. "While architecture is about differentiating the whole, integration is about making incompatible parts work together seamlessly."  For further information about Integration Competency Centers as presented by John Schmidt, visit www.informatica.com/solutions/icc where you can download white papers such as The Economics of Integration Competency Centers or How to Design and Implement an ICC. Or if you’re interested in more in-depth training, check out the ICC Master Class training series.

2009 Program Information

John Zachman to Return

John has committed to return to the 2009 DoD EA Conference, perhaps in an expanded role. 

Disney Chief Architect to Keynote

Steve Davis, Vice President and Chief Architect, Disney Studios to be industry keynote at the 2009 conference.

DEAA Award Winners


Shawn Spencer, Chief, Future Capabilities Division & Chief Architect, USSTRATCOM

Mr. Spencer is shown receiving his DEAA Award from Brian Wilczynski, OSD and Kshemendra Paul, OMB


Joint Forces Command, J89, Joint Command and Control Architecture Capability Assessment Enterprise (JACAE) 

Mr. Stuart Whitehead, USJFCOM, is shown receiving the DEAA Award from Brian Wilczynski, OSD and Kshemendra Paul, OMB


Charles Robinson, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), supporting Joint Staff, J6I 

Mr. Charles Whitehead, SAIC, is shown receiving the DEAA Award from Brian Wilczynski, OSD and Kshemendra Paul, OMB


Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH), supporting the DON Architecture Federation Pilot   

Mr. Mike Wayson congratulates Mr. Brant Frey, BAH, on winning the DEAA Award as Ms. Barbara Hoffman, DON CIO looks on.


DoD Enterprise Architecture Achievement (DEAA) Awards

The purpose of these awards is to recognize significant contributions and achievements in advancing the state of practice of enterprise architecture as an enabler of information advantage for the Department of Defense.

The DoD Enterprise Architecture Achievement Individual Awards are given by DoD in conjunction with AFEI to one government and one industry individual for exceptional achievement and contributions towards development and/or deployment of enterprise architecture within the Department of Defense.

The DoD Enterprise Architecture Achievement Organizational Awards are given by DoD in conjunction with AFEI to one government and one industry organization that most exemplifies the use of enterprise architecture in its transformation towards a net-centric enterprise.


Conference Presentations

Video and presentations here at the DoD EA Conference media site

Monday, April 14 Tutorials

FEAC Tutorial

FEAC Certification: A Tutorial and Mini Workshop


IRMC Tutorial

Enterprise Architecture: Enabling DoD Mission Performance


Enterprise Architecture Certificate Program


Tuesday, April 15

Keynote Presentations

Mr. Richard Williams
Acting Principal Director Global Information Grid Enterprise Services, DISA

Slides not available

Colonel James Turner, USMC
Chief, Strategic Architecture Branch, J6, USCENTCOM

Slides not available

Joint Staff

Colonel Elizabeth Bierden, USA
Chief, Information Integration Division, J6


Mr. Lloyd Thrower
Director, Strategic Planning and Transformation Office of the Deputy CIO - The Defense Information Enterprise: Achieving and Information Advantage



DoDAF 2.0

Mr. Brian Wilczynski
Director, Architecture and Interoperability Directorate, Office of the Deputy CIO


Ms. DeeDee Akeo
Business Enterprise Architecture Chief Architect, BTA


Mr. Tim Hunnicutt
Senior Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton


Mr. Bruce Haberkamp
Information Technology Specialist, Army Architecture Integration Center


Federation Pilot Panel

Mr. Alan Golombek
Senior Enterprise Architect, Architecture and Interoperability Directorate, Office of the Deputy CIO



Mr. Robert Damashek
Chief Architect, Binary Group


Mr. Frank Brady, Booz Allen Hamilton


Wing Commander Shaun Harvey, RAF
Exchange Officer, SAF/XCPA


Lt Col Jon Sutherland, USAF
Net-ready Assessment Branch, J6I, Joint Staff


Closing Summary


Wednesday, April 16


Mr. Gerry Doyle
Chief Architect and Director, Systems Engineering Center (GE3), DISA

Slides not available

Mr. Ron Vandiver
Director, Architecture Integration and Management Directorate (AIMD), Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) 


Mr. Randy Marks
Enterprise Architect, National Security Agency 


Mr. Walt Okon
Senior Architecture Engineer, Office of the DoD Deputy CIO


Ms. Barbara Hoffman
Director of Operations and Investment and Performance Management, Department of The Navy Chief Information Officer 


Wing Commander Shaun Harvey, RAF
Exchange Officer, SAF/XCPA


Mr. Jeff Krammes
Senior Analyst, DOT&E Information Assurance and Interoperability Assessment Program, DOT&E / Wyle Laboratories

Thursday, April 17

Swedish Armed Forces

RADM Thomas E. Engevall
Swedish Armed Forces HQ


LtCol Mikael Hagenbo
Swedish Armed Forces HQ


Mr. Lars-Olof Kihlström
Senior Consultant, Generic AB 

Slides not available

NATO Presentation

Mr. Olaf Kruidhof
Senior Systems Architect, Deputy Leader IPT1 - Architecture, NATO

Slides not available

UK MOD Presentation

Ms. Fariba Hozhabrafkan
SERCO Consulting

Mr. John Keefe
Office of Director General Information, Ministry of Defence, U.K.

Industry Keynotes

Mr. John A. Zachman
ZIFA International


Mr. John Schmidt
Senior Vice President of Global Integration Services, Informatica Corporation and Chairman, Integration Consortium

Web 2.0 and SOA Panel

Mr. Michael Ruiz
CTO, Net Enabled Operational Support Group, BearingPoint


Mr. Charles Babers
President/CEO, NeoLogica Scientific LLC


Mr. Steve Orrin
Director, Security Solutions, Intel Corporation


Mr. Tom Morgan
Enterprise Architect, Autodesk


Mr. Jim Rice
Director of Federal Sales, Layer 7 Technologies

AFEI SOA Acquisition Executive Forum Report

Mr. Rob Walker
Vice President, Public Sector Strategies, BEA Systems, Inc.

Friday April 18

Closing Keynotes

Mr. Stuart A. Whitehead
Executive Director, Joint Capability Development Directorate (J8), U.S. Joint Forces Command


Mr. Kshemendra Paul
Chief Architect, Office of Management and Budget 

Open Discussion

Dave Chesebrough
President, AFEI

Summary and Way Ahead

Mr. Brian Wilczynski
Director, Architecture and Interoperability Directorate, Office of the Deputy CIO


Zachman on Enterprise Architecture:

"If you get really honest and search all of history, seven thousand years of known history of humankind, to find how humanity has learned to cope with two things, complexity and change ... there is one game in town, ARCHITECTURE.

If it (whatever it is) gets so complex you can't remember everything all at one time, you have to write it down ... ARCHITECTURE. Then, if you want to change it (whatever it is), you go to what you wrote down ... ARCHITECTURE.

How do you think they build hundred story buildings, or Boeing 747's, or IBM supercomputers ... or even simple things like a one-bedroom house or a Piper Cub or the PC on your desk? Somebody had to write it down ... at excruciating levels of detail ... ARCHITECTURE. Now, if you want to change any of those things (with minimum time, disruption and cost), how do you change them? You go to what you wrote down ... ARCHITECTURE.

The key to complexity and change is ARCHITECTURE.

In the Industrial Age, we had to learn what architecture was relative to physical objects (products) in order to deal with product complexity and product change.

In the Information Age, it is the Enterprise that is complex and changing and therefore, now we are having to learn what architecture is relative to the Enterprise ... Enterprise Architecture."

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The GIG Architectural Vision

"The development of the future GIG will eliminate communication stovepipes, meet spiraling information demands, and support unanticipated needs and users. This initial version of the GIG Architectural Vision describes the target GIG.

Our goal in establishing the GIG Architectural Vision is to promote unity of effort among
those responsible for evolving today’s GIG to its target state, including component
CIOs, portfolio managers, and architects. To support this goal, the GIG Architectural
Vision is designed to be a short, high level, understandable description of DoD’s
objective enterprise architecture (required by law and policy). It will be updated
periodically to reflect operational, systems and technical changes to the target GIG.
Through the development of a series of time-phased GIG Capability Increments, today’s
GIG will evolve towards the target GIG described in this Vision."


- Mr. John G. Grimes, DoD CIO, from the
Preface of the GIG Architectural Vision



President's Corner
AFEI Belguim
AFEI Member Survey

Warfighter's Vision
March 5-6, 2009

Change Management Workshop
March 26, 2009

Change Management
April 30 - May 1, 2009








AFEI is an affiliate of the National Defense Industrial Association



Association For Enterprise Integration
2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400 • Arlington, VA 22201
Phone: 703-247-9474 • Fax: 703-522-3192
For more information, e-mail [email protected]
Directions to AFEI
AFEI is an affiliate of the National Defense Industrial Association.