Frequently Asked Questions

What is Information Quality Management?
First, the emphasis is on the quality of information and data. Is it correct? Is it reliable? Is it secure? In the highly networked, information technology dependent world we have created, the quality of information has a direct effect on the financial performance of enterprises. Work in this area has gone on for decades, but with the dependence our enterprises now have on netted information sources, information quality has become a critical issue.

Why is Information Quality Important?
Gartner says that large enterprises are realizing that data quality is a significant business issue. Because data quality directly affects business strategies, the need for clean data transcends the IS department. The software company Human Inference claims that defective data is the ultimate reason why organizations are losing billions on CRM, ERP and BI initiatives.

According to the Data Administration Newsletter (, October 2003), "a 2001 study by PricewaterhouseCoopers in New York found that 75% of the 599 companies surveyed experienced financial pain from defective data. It is estimated that poor data management is costing global businesses more than $1.4 billion per year in billing, accounting, and inventory snafus. One third of the companies surveyed say that "dirty data" forced them to delay or scrap a new system. Only 37% of the companies surveyed were "very confident" in the quality of their own data, and only 15% were "very confident" in the quality of the data of their trading partners. The study concluded that "poor data quality is threatening to undermine massive investment being made elsewhere", such as customer relationship management and supply chain management systems (Betts, 2001)."

For these reasons data quality has become mission critical for both large number and small organizations. Organizations are increasingly relying on complex and interrelated information systems to support business operations, interface with customers, and make decisions. Likewise, the transformation of the military depends greatly on ubiquitously netted assets and a free flowing information environment. Military history is replete with disasters brought about by bad, or missing, information. Making our nation's governmental and military operations so dependent on complex, interrelated systems makes information quality a potentially serious vulnerability.

How Do I Join IQMNet?
Follow the links to join IQMNet. There is no fee to join, and most meetings are hosted and free of charge. You will be placed on the IQMNet mailing list and will receive notifications of IQMNet meetings. You will also receive mailings notifying you of other association events related to information quality. Your contact information is only used for these specific purposes and is not shared or sold outside of the association.

Can I Host a Meeting?
Any organization can host a meeting by submitting a proposal to IQMNet and agreeing to the guidelines for IQMNet meetings. To submit a meeting proposal first download a meeting guide, and then submit the request to AFEI. Once IQMNet approves the event as complying with the guidelines, the event is schedules and AFEI announces the meeting.

What Do I Get Out of IQMNet Meetings?
First, you will learn something new about the general subject of information quality. You will also be exposed to technologies, processes and solutions that may be of immediate benefit. Understanding the organizational and strategic approach to information quality will help you position this within your organization. As a host, you have the opportunity to inform an interested audience about your views on information quality and what establishes you as a leader in this area. Finally, you have the opportunity to network with professionals who share similar interests and issues.

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