About IQMNet

IQMNet was launched in January 2005 and has rapidly gained international recognition in Sweden, Norway and USA as a valuable activity in supporting organizations who must improve the quality of their information.

IQMnet has its roots in Sweden, where several founders from organizations such as Swedish Defense Materiel Administration (FMV), The Swedish Agency for Public Management (Statskontoret), The Swedish Emergency Management Agency, CSC, MetaMatrix and Ortelius began the Sweden Information Resource Network, or SIRnet, in 2000 to discuss information management and quality issues. Today SIRnet has grown to include most of Scandinavia, and will be a companion network and resource to IQMnet.


IQMnet is a non-for-profit and voluntary based network, hosted by the Association for Enterprise Integration (AFEI). IQMnet will be governed by a Board elected by the AFEI Board of Directors. The Chairman of IQMnet will be a member of the AFEI Board. IQMnet will be an officially chartered activity under the by laws of AFEI. IQMnet activity will be administered through an active Board, the IQMnet Website, a controlled mailing list, and discussion lists.

Founding Stakeholders

The founding stakeholders launching IQMnet are SAIC, Det Norske Veritas (DNV), NDIA, AFEI and Scandinavian Information Resource Network (SIRNET). Others will be added as they express support. The initial governing Board will be drawn from the founding stakeholders. Current boardmembers are:  

Chairman, Jarl S Magnusson, Det Norske Veritas (DNV), [email protected]
David "Dave" Chesebrough, AFEI, [email protected]
Jerry Smith, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), [email protected]
Secretary, Nicole Peterson, AFEI, [email protected]


Membership in IQMnet is obtained through registering with AFEI the name, affiliation, address, office/cell phone and email address on the mailing list. This list is only used for IQMnet activity and is not publicly available. There is no cost associated with an IQMnet membership and the mailing list is strictly confidential. People join IQMnet because they have an interest in:
  • Exploring and increasing awareness on Data- and Information Quality Management issues
  • Sharing experiences on poor (or good) information quality and the consequences it has on products, services and enterprise abilities
  • Developing new technical IQM solutions and management services, as a set of tools for improving the quality in data and information resources
  • Participating in a knowledge network, where members share the same focus and interest Setting up channels of communication to share news, ideas, results, solutions, experiences, knowledge, customers, contractors and vendors
  • Finding the guiding principles and best practices for Information Quality Management
  • Finding new ways to infuse more reliance, trust and confidence into the organization, information systems and employees
  • Making information quality a competitive issue
  • Using IQM as one method to put an economical value on data- and information resources
  • Using IQM to increase the exploitation and usage of data- and information assets.
  • IQMnet Activities
To be placed on the IQMNet mailing list send a request to Nicole Peterson, [email protected]

IQMNet in the US is hosted by the Association for Enterprise Integration, an affiliate of the National Defense Industrial Association.
© 2005
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