Meeting Schedule

Authumn 2005, IQM Thoughts, George Washington University, Washington DC

USA Authumn 2005, How to handle Info Quality, Professor Bud Lawson and Dr. Lars Taxèn, Sweden

Authumn 2005, IQM Pre-Study, DNV, Washington DC, USA
13-14 September 2005 IQM Session at the AFEI Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA

June 2005 IQMnet Meeting USA, Spearhead Innovations, Washington DC, USA  

Past Meetings

31 May 2005, Information and Quality from a PLM Perspective, Stockholm, Sweden. Presentation by Dr. Lars Taxèn, Linkøpings University

26 April 2005, IQM and System Engineering, Stockholm, Sweden. Presentation by Professor Bud Lawson, Syntell

17 March 2005, IQMnet USA Startup, Washington DC, USA. Presentations by Jarl S Magnusson, DNV and Jerry Smith, DISA

03 February 2005, IQMnet Norway Startup, Oslo, Norway. Presentation by Jarl S Magnusson, DNV Part 2 Jarl S Magnusson

27 January 2005, IQMnet Sweden Startup, Stockholm, Sweden. Presentations by Jarl S Magnusson, DNV and Sam Mehta, DNV

IQMNet Activities

All activities are performed by members and for members. An activity can basically be whatever an IQMnet members desires to do. Activity must be ethical, honest, trusted and within the guidelines established by the Board. Many activities may be basically free-of-charge. Others may have fees to cover direct and administration expenses. Activity must relate directly or indirectly to IQM, and it must have a general interest to develop IQM as a discipline. Just promoting a certain product, service or company is not acceptable.

All activity must be noted on the IQMnet Website, planned by the Board and sent out to all members over the IQMnet mailing list. Members who arrange a seminar are solely responsible for the outcome. The Board will seek interested members who are willing to initiate and arrange activities to infuse new interest and increase the awareness of IQM issues.

The following are activities that can be approved by the IQMnet Board:

  • Short seminars, hosted by a member, no more than 2-3 hours in length, to inform members, to discuss a certain topic, to show/demo of a product or service, to present news, results, solutions or just to spark new interest. All these short seminars are free-of-charge for IQMnet members. Light refreshments are offered by the host organization.

  • Long seminars, can be one-two day events. Program can vary, to cover a technical solution, a certain business area or other defined topics. Unless hosted by a member, a long seminar will be conducted on a cost recovery basis (direct and administration) for members, and higher cost for non-members.

  • Discussions, will be done by members through discussion lists and via direct mail contacts.

  • Invited seminars, a number of organizations would certainly invite skilled IQMnet members to their seminars and conferences. IQMnet members should be offered some sort of benefit (rebate, etc).

  • Workshops and Development Groups, where dedicated members join together to develop standards, rules, regulations, products, services or to help Government or Industry customers with analysis, advice, findings, submitting comments and recommendations on investigations, research and legislation. These are hosted activities.

  • Annual IQM Event, the Board will arrange an annual event, where the IQM Innovation Award will be presented. This event will be operated by AFEI and will generate revenue to contribute to the annual administration costs of IQMnet.


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