8:30 a.m.-Noon

Kelly Larson, Director, Metaphase Technology Federal Team

The management of intellectual capital in the form of electronic product data has now become a critical issue. Force readiness depends on our ability to create, manage, and locate electronic product information, regardless of geographic location. Enterprise product data management (EPDM) has long been recognized by commercial companies as essential in ensuring that intellectual capital is captured and safeguarded, as well as the key to profound process and quality improvement. In the defense industry, it is an essential enabler to important initiatives such as: Integrated Data Environments, Paperless Offices, Configuration Management, Program Management, Lifecycle Integration and Contractor Logistics Support, Process Improvement, Intellectual Capital Management, Acquisition Reform. But what is EPDM? Is it a web browser, or is it a CAD data management tool? If you have an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system installed, do you still need EPDM, and what's the difference? How important is configuration management and document management to getting your product data under control? In this tutorial, the Metaphase Federal team will provide information on topics such as: an overview of the technology, a definition of its components, the differences between EPDM and ERP, how EPDM supports the weapon system lifecycle, discussion of what problems EPDM is meant to solve, short implementation case studies.

Working Group representatives for the Integrated Digital Environment Program: Brian Reily, Program Manager, DoN-RD&A; Steve French, SARDA; William Richards, SAF/AQ; Mike Lowry, DCMC

Presents the Department of Defense (DoD) approach for instituting a framework of the methods, tools, and data necessary for an integrated, electronic major weapons systems program office. By far, the most debated questions surrounding a program manager's success or failure are "What do I need to do?" and "What data should I contract for and what should I own versus the contractor?" The DoD IDE framework serves to answer these and other questions. Program managers will find guidance as to what methodologies, tools and applications they should be considering in implementing an Integrated Digital Environment. They will also find examples where others were successful, why they were successful, and how this knowledge can be transferred into their own environment. The DoD framework also establishes a forum for program managers to share ideas and findings as they move forward into a digital environment. The approach is built on a solid, common architectural framework that will be provided to all program managers through the course structure at the Defense Systems Management College in an effort to refine the framework and provide knowledge that can be subsequently shared.

Peter Lucuk, Senior Consultant, LOGICON Corporation; Jerry Robinson, Director of Marketing, LOGICON Corporation

This tutorial is designed to provide managers and technical personnel perspectives in areas critical to the successful implementation of ERP in their organizations. Issues addressed will include: selecting the right product; identifying the true cost of implementation; organizational impacts; project team make-up; integration and tailoring requirements; benchmarking; training; protecting legacy data/systems; and product data integration.

Wes Anderson, Knowledge Management Program Manager, Microsoft Federal

This tutorial will use industry definitions and views, analysts' observations, and trends and direction to describe Knowledge Management. It will then cover how to get started. It includes discussions on: Tools, Tips and Tricks; Examples of Successful Projects; Key Factors for Success; Leveraging Your Existing Infrastructure.

Susie Marshall, Vice President, Technology Interchange Resources

How an enterprise manages its information, its knowledge, its partnerships, its human resources and IT infrastructure are critical factors to survival and success in today's environment. The world is changing at an accelerating pace. Businesses and organizations need to understand the dynamics of these changes and their impact on the enterprise. This tutorial focuses on the People, Processes and Technologies that enable organizations to meet these changes. Our most powerful weapon in the struggle to survive is our people. They also represent the most significant challenge. People accomplish work through processes. Technology is the supporting frame-work within which all people, processes and activities take place. The information infrastructure of the future is going to be dramatically different from the infrastructure of today. If the goal is to share information, then we should be striving to communicate at the speed of thought, in a secure environment.

Robin Tomlin, Principal Consultant, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

XML is quickly becoming the technology of choice for exchanging structured information over the Internet, Intranets and Extranets. Web-based commerce, enterprise application integration and software system design are now set to take advantage of the many benefits of XML. This course provides a basic overview of XML and its related companion standards including XSL, XLL and DOM. Each standard will be explained and attendees will gain a general knowledge of how these components will work together to enhance web technology and capability. XML Industry applications and initiatives will be reviewed and discussed.

Richard Guida, Chair, Federal Public Key Infrastructure Steering Committee

This tutorial will describe and explain public key technology, including its use in confidentiality (encryption) and digital signatures (authentication, data integrity, technical non-repudiation). How this technology is used in Federal agencies for transactions within agencies, among agencies, between agencies and to trading partners, and between agencies and the general public, will be discussed. Further, Federal government efforts to ensure that agency uses will grow appropriately into an interoperable Federal-wide public key infrastructure will also be described. This will include a discussion of the efforts by the Department of Defense as they seek to deploy the first widespread Federal agency PKI.

John Coughlin, Telecommunications/Electronic Commerce, Lockheed Martin Technology Services

The anticipated growth in eBusiness and associated security requirements will necessitate a range of traffic classification levels and security layers. This is applicable for both industry and government. One of the keys to effective eBusiness will be the secure control of the document, from email to e-volumes as well as transactions. Secure control will be needed in systems that will encompass Internets, Intranets, Extranets, Local nets, and Wide-Area nets. Trends also indicate that as bandwidths and telecommunications capabilities expand with new technical developments and services, security network backbones and monitoring requirements will grow with it. Tutorial will discuss multi-layer security options within an overall architecture for eBusiness. Discussion will cover terminology and varying security conditions that may impact eBusiness. A workflow example will look at how to securely manage the document and transactions within the multiple nets. A demonstration will show how multiple security options, such as Public Key Infrastructure and Biometric Smart Cards can be integrated into a prototype system.

George Touchette, Senior Consultant, The Greentree Group; Tim Hunnicutt, Principal Consultant, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP; Tom Leverette, Project Manager, Dayton ECRC / RJO Enterprises

Digital standards are the technical foundation for successfully conducting Electronic Commerce and Electronic Business, but a bewildering array of potential standards exists across this portion of the Information Technology spectrum. This tutorial will survey the prevalent and emerging standards for the electronic interchange information needed to conduct EC/EB: Standards for the Technical Data Interchange (TDI) of Product Information, Standards for the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) of Business Information, Standards for the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) for Financial Information, Standards frameworks which integrate, or substitute for, other EC/EB standards. The major focus of this tutorial is for the attendee to be able to recognize the key standards within the EC/EB arena, understand the appropriate ways to apply various types of standards, and to have enough information to begin researching and selecting the appropriate standards to address their own particular EC/EB issues.


The 21st Century Commerce EXPO 1999 is structured to give attendees the opportunity to attend mini-seminars on topics relevant to their implementation of global E-Business capabilities. Each conference "track" is a full-day seminar that addresses the vision, best practices, business cases, implementations and results for a particular topic with ample opportunity for attendees and our expert speakers and panelists to discuss leading edge E-Business issues.

Click here for a complete description and list of tracks and track co-chairs


Poster sessions will be scheduled from 5:00p.m.--7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 1st and will offer additional opportunities for attendees to present and discuss their ideas. Participants will be able to post their graphics and/or visual aids in the Poster Session area inside the exhibit hall and conduct discussions with attendees

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