Exhibitor Contract in pdf format (Download, print, fill out, and submit)

Don't miss the opportunity to showcase your products and services to over 2,000 members of the e-commerce community.

Booth space will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis, so please respond to this call as soon as possible for your preferred location. The floor plan has been configured to maximize traffic throughout the display area, and the program schedule will be designed to encourage attendee participation.

large floorplan 57 KB -9/25/99

The booth price per 10'x10' space is $2,250 for NDIA& AFEI corporate members and bona-fide government organizations. The booth price for Non-Corporate members is $2,750. There is a 10% premium for corner spaces.

In-line booths will be furnished with back drape, side rails and an ID sign. The exhibit hall aisles will be carpeted; individual booth carpeting is at the discretion of the exhibitor.

The booth price will include two full conference registrations per 10'x10' space, with a maximum of 8 registrations available, regardless of booth size. Additional booth personnel who will NOT attend the conference may register at a reduced fee of $200-This includes food and beverage functions, which will be served in the exhibit hall. Additional booth personnel who plan to attend sessions must register at the regular conference rates.

There will be a limited amount of table top displays reserved especially for small and medium businesses in the exhibit hall. Please contact the NDIA Exhibits Department for more details and pricing information.

For further information, please contact Christin Berry at AFEI, tel: 703-247-9466 or email: [email protected].


Monday, November 29
8 a.m.-5 p.m. Exhibits Installed

Tuesday, November 30
8 a.m.-2 p.m. Exhibits Installed
4 p.m.- 6 p.m. Exhibits Open

Wednesday, December 1
10 a.m.- 7 p.m. Exhibits Open

Thursday, December 2
10 a.m.-2 p.m. Exhibits Open
2 p.m.-6 p.m. Exhibits Dismantled


1. Exhibit space will be allocated on a first-paid, first served basis. Priority will be determined by date of receipt of application for space accompanied by required payment.

2. Application for space must be accompanied by the full fee in order to guarantee reservation. The service contractor will not set up booths for which payment has not been received in full. All payments must be received by September 17,1999. Reservations made after September 17 must be followed by payment within 2 working days. Unpaid booth reservations will be released for general sale.

3. Payment will be refunded, less 50%, if written notice of can-cellation is received by October 1, 1999. No refunds will be made for cancellations received after that date.

4. The standard booth size is 10' deep by 10' wide unless stat-ed or marked otherwise on the floor plan or in the exhibitor prospectus. All exhibits must fit within the confines of their assigned space so as not to impede traffic flow, infringe on the space of other exhibitors, or violate the emergency exit routes set forth by the fire marshal.

5. NDIA adheres to IAEM standards. All display fixtures over 4'0" (1.22m) in height and placed within 10 lineal feet (3.05m) of an adjoining exhibit, must be confined to that area of the exhibitor's space which is at least 5'0" (1.52m) from the aisle line.

6. Exhibitors agree to abide by the installation and dismantling times set by NDIA and to have at least one person staffing their booths during published exhibition hours. Exhibitors who vacate their booths prior to the published dismantle time with-out permission of the show manager will be assessed a fine equal to one half the booth fees and will not receive priority status at future events.

7. No Exhibitor shall assign, sublet, or share the whole or any part of the space contracted to them. Exhibitors agree to limit the service and/or materials displayed in their exhibit area to those purveyed by the exhibitor, with the exception that other proprietary equipment may be used solely for the purpose of demonstrating the materials or services of the exhibitor.

8. Exhibition fees cover only those items described in the prospectus. Any other booth furnishings and equipment must be contracted through the official exhibition service contractor or the hotel/convention center, as indicated in the exhibitor's service kit.

9. NDIA reserves the right to impose limitation on noise levels and any other method of operation that becomes objectionable. Any distribution of literature or samples shall be limited to the exhibitor's booth.

10. NDIA reserves the right to rearrange the final floor plan based on unsold or unoccupied exhibit space.

11. In the event that no representative of an exhibiting organization has claimed its space by 4:00 p.m. Monday, November 29, 1999, NDIA has the right to resell or relocate the exhibit space.

12. If NDIA should be prevented from holding the exhibition for any reason beyond NDIA's control (such as, but not limited to, damage to the building, riots, strikes, acts of government, or acts of God), or if an exhibitor cannot occupy the assigned exhibit space due to reasons beyond NDIA's control, then NDIA has the right to cancel the exhibition or any part there-of, with no further liability to the exhibitor other than a refund of exhibit space fee, less a proportionate share of the exposition cost incurred.

13. Neither the management of the host facility nor NDIA shall be liable for the damage, loss or destruction to the exhibits by reason of fire, theft, accident or other destructive causes. Exhibitor shall lease booth(s) at his sole risk. Neither the management of the host facility, NDIA nor any of their agents, servants, and employees will be accountable or liable for accidents to exhibitors, their agents or employees.

14. The exhibitor shall be liable to the host facility and/or NDIA for any damage to the building and/or the furniture and fixtures contained therein which shall occur through acts or omissions of the exhibitor.

15. Exhibitor assumes the entire responsibility and hereby agrees to protect, indemnify, defend and hold harmless NDIA, the host facility, their officers, employees, and agents against all claims, losses and damages to persons and property, governmental charges or fines, and attorney's fees arising out of or caused by exhibitors installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy or use of the exhibition premises or any part thereof, including any outside exhibit areas.

16. Exhibitor acknowledges that NDIA does not maintain and is not responsible for obtaining insurance covering exhibitor's property. Exhibitors are advised to obtain business interruption and property damage and loss insurance to cover such occurrences.

17. Any function, event or meeting sponsored by an exhibiting company or in which an exhibiting company participates must be scheduled in advance through NDIA and must not conflict with exhibit or conference activities. The hours of any function, event or meeting must be approved in writing by NDIA at least 45 days in advance of the exhibit.

18. No photography is allowed without the permission of the booth staff and/or show manager.

19. No children under the age of 12 are allowed in the exhibit hall at any time.

Overview | Conference Planning Committee | Letter from the Conference
| Schedule at a Glance | Tutorials & Tracks | Plenary Sessions |
Awards Info
| Exhibit Info | Registration & Lodging |
Complete Call for Presentations & Exhibits