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 The Governance for Information Sharing Federations Conference has been posponed. Further details with the new date and location will be forthcoming.


The Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20004

In conjunction with the ASD (NII) / DoD CIO Office and the DoD Federal Information Sharing Executive organization.

Governance of Information Sharing


7:30 AM Registration  
8:30 AM

Call to Order and Welcome


  Keynote Speakers  

Robert D. Jamison, Under Secretary for the National Protection and Programs Directorate, Department of Homeland Security.  (Invited)

Secretary Jamison plays a leading role in the Department's integrated efforts to analyze, manage, and reduce risk.  Mr. Jamison's previous position was as the Deputy Administrator for the Transportation Security Administration.

Full Bio


David M. Wennergren, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Information Management and Technology / Deputy Chief Information Officer.

Mr. wennergren provides top-level advocacy in creating a unified information management and technology vision and ensuring the delivery of the capabilities required to achieve the Department’s transformation to net centric operations. In addition to his duties as Deputy CIO, Mr. Wennergren is the Vice Chair of the U.S. Government’s Federal CIO Council.

Full Bio

    Networking Break
10:30 AM

Panel Discussion – Establishing a Federation

Moderator: Bryan Aucoin, President, Alanthus

This panel will address the initial considerations in establishing a federation: agreeing on the mission need, a formal method for governance and compliance, and the rules and policies that establish information mobility.


  • Michael W. Carleton, Chief Information Officer, HHS and Co-chair, Architecture and Infrastructure Committee, Federal CIO Council (invited)
  • Jeremy Warren, Chief Technology Officer, Department of Justice (invited)
  • Robert Carey, Chief Information Officer, Department of Navy and Co-chair, Security & Indentity Management Committee, Federal CIO Council (invited)
  • Donna Roy, Director, Enterprise Data Management Office, DHS and Executive Director, National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) (invited)


12:00 PM

Lunch with Speaker

The Honorable Michael W. Wynne, former Secretary of the Air Force and former Undersecretary of Defense (AT&L)


Michael W. Wynne served as the 21st Secretary of the Air Force. Prior to being confirmed as Secretray on November 3, 2005 Mr. Wynne served as Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, and Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics. In these positions he was the principal adviser to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense for all matters relating to acquisition, research and development, and logistics management.

Full Bio

1:30 PM

Panel Discussion – Governance and the Trust Fabric

Moderator: Paul Grant, ASD (NII)/DoD CIO

This panel addresses instantiation of the federation once agreements and basic policies are in place.


  • Dr. Clark Smith, Director, Technology, PM ISE (invited)
  • Jeremy Warren, DoJ (invited)
  • Col Stephen Hoogasian, Regional Plans Chief, AF/A5XX, USAF
  • Matthew Kern, Chief Enterprise architect, DNDO, Constellation, Inc.
  • John Ruegg, LA County Sheriff's Department
  • Morris Hymes, Director, PKI PMO, DoD
  • Jennifer Barrett, Corporate Privacy Officer, Acxiom Corporation
    Networking Break
3:30 PM  

Panel Discussion – Case Studies

Moderator: Peter Alterman, Ph.D., Deputy Associate Administrator, Office of Technology Strategy, GSA

A discussion among organizations who are relying on federations as a means of accomplishing their missions.


  • Gary Secrest, Chief, Technical Programs and Operations, SAFE-BioPharm Association
  • Jim Cisneros, The Boeing Company, Chairman of the Transglobal Secure Collaboration Program Governance Board
  • Ken Klingenstein, InCommon (invited)
  • David Miller, Chief Security Officer, Covisint

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Visit the ISF conference wiki


This page is established and maintained by the Data Analysis Center for Software (DACS)

ISF Wiki page   to leave a comment a brief registration is required.  
  Co-sponsored by the Integrated Justice Information Systems Institute


Identify what a federation is:

  • methods and mechanisms for creating a federation
  • different purposes and types of federations
  • policies, agreements and technologies
  • self-forming, self-organizing, self-regulating
  • enabler of interoperability in specific domains

Discuss governance of a federation:

  • processes and rules for operating a federation
  • roles of participants and trusted third-parties
  • necessary trust regimes
  • lessening the administrative burden

Present selected case studies from across Government and Industry

  • Identity assurance
  • Collaboration
  • International

Examine the concept of a “maturity model”

  • policy
  • process
  • technology
  • trust

The Audience

  • Those responsible for establishing federations for identity assurance, information sharing or collaboration
  • Those developing products or services to enable and operate this type of environment
  • Those interested in an organizational maturity model as a measure for federation, information sharing and collaboration readiness.
  • Those engaged in establishing policy and procedures for governance of different federation types.


  • Understand how Government and Industry are using the federation model, types of federations, steps for establishing and governing, and specific types and uses.
  • Identify specific actions necessary for development of a maturity model.
  • Identify recommended actions for expansion of the white paper.


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This conference has been postponed.  Registration is not available.

There are three ways to register for this conference.

If paying by credit card:

Register Online

Online registration is now closed.

On-line registration closes Friday, November 21, 2008.

Returning customers can log-in to their account using their NDIA Customer/Member ID and password.  For new customers, please take a moment to complete the New Account process and then complete your registration. Retain your Customer/Member ID and password for future use.

You will receive an Event Registration Confirmation e-mail immediately upon receipt of your payment online, so please ensure that your e-mail address is complete and accurate.


Register by Fax:

  Register via fax by completing the Registration Form and faxing it to
(703) 522-3192.  No fax registrations will be accepted after Friday, November 21. 

If paying by check:

Register by Mail:

Completed Registration Forms with accompanying payment may be mailed to: AFEI, Event #9A01, 2111 Wilson Blvd., Suite 400, Arlington, VA 22201.  Please do not mail any registrations after Friday, November 21.



Registration Fees

Event Number 9A01

(Before 10/21/08)

(10/22/08 -

(on/after 11/21/08)





AFEI Member




Industry Non- Member




*active-duty military and full-time government employees only

Registrations after November 21 must be on-site and at the on-site conference rate.

Registrations will not be taken over the phone. Payment must be made at the time
of registration.

Please contact Betsy Lauer 703 247-9473 for assistance.

Cancellations, Substitutions, and Requests for Refunds:
All cancellations, substitutions, and requests for refunds must be done so in writing to Betsy Lauer via email at [email protected]. Cancellation requests received before November 28 receive a refund minus a $75 administrative fee. Refunds can not be issued for no-shows.

NOTE: No refunds for cancellations received after November 21.

Substitutions welcome in lieu of cancellation!

Confirmations and Receipts

You will receive an emailed confirmation after you use the CONFIRM button on the web page. When registering online, please review your information then “submit” and “confirm” your entry. PLEASE check your account information for accuracy (i.e.: spelling of name, address, company name, email address, phone number, etc.).  If all required information is input correctly, you will see “Thank you for your registration!”. If you do not receive an emailed confirmation after submitting your registration, your registration is incomplete and was not received. Please call Betsy Lauer at (703) 247-9473 for assistance.

How to Register for Others or Multiple Attendees On-Line
If you are registering another person or co-worker, (e.g. if you are registering your boss and/or co-worker(s), company/agency credit card holder registering several people, etc.), you must enter the respective email address, customer/member ID and password for each person you are registering, using their Customer ID account profile to register them.  For assistance please call Betsy Lauer.

Identification Badges
Each attendee will be provided with an identification badge during registration. This badge must be worn while attending the event. All attendees must present a valid, government picture ID (Driver's License), when picking up their badge. Conference badges are to be worn at all times during the event.

The appropriate dress for this conference:

Industry/Contractors/Civilians: Business Casual (slacks and open collar)
Active Duty Military: Uniform of the Day

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For information about hotels nearby, click here.

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AFEI offers a variety of sponsorship packages for this event. Please download the AFEI Sponsorship Prospectus (PDF) for additional details and contact AFEI to discuss your strategic marketing plan.

Contact Info: Betsy Lauer (703-247-9473)

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AFEI welcomes vendors wishing to demonstrate their innovative technology solutions at the conference. Space is limited and is on a first-come, first-served basis. For details and prices download the application (PDF).

Exhibitors may secure tabletop exhibit space in the foyer, adjacent to the plenary session. The price includes a skirted table, electricity and one full conference registration. Don't miss this opportunity to show-case your company capabilities and services.

Contact Info: Betsy Lauer (703-247-9473).

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Information sharing relies on establishing and governing organizational constructs that enable information to be mobile in trust-based relationships.  These are federations.

There are numerous examples of federations and their governing constructs, beginning with the Constitution of the United States.

  "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."  

Through this instrument of governance a great nation evolved - a federation of colonies became a republic.



Information Sharing

In its broadest sense the term information sharing could be applied to any situation where there are participants who need to collaborate and exchange knowledge with regard to specific situations.  Today, the implied application for the term as dictated by common use is the sharing of terrorist-related data.  However, the mechanisms that mobilize information and enable its sharing can be quite common across various domains. 


U.S. National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States made specific recommendations in 2004 regarding national priorities in the sharing of information aimed at increasing our security from the threat of terrorism.  The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act (IRTPA) of 2004 mandated the establishment of a Federal Information Sharing Environment, currently operated under the Program Manager for Information Sharing Environment.


Clearly, information sharing is now an operational goal for Federal agencies and Departments.  However, it can not happen without proper regimes, frameworks and governance.  Policies and rule sets must be in place to enable information to be shared.  Information mobility depends on the right frameworks, procedures and protections in a trust-based environment.  Absent these, information can not be made mobile, and thus can not be shared.



The National Strategy for Information Sharing is focused on improving the sharing of homeland security, terrorism, and law enforcement information related to terrorism within and among all levels of governments and the private sector. 


This strategy is for homeland security information, terrorism information, and law enforcement information which is found across all levels of government as well as in the private sector and international partners.  Achieving the vision laid out by this and other national strategies will require a re-thinking of old paradigms regarding how we deal with information.


In this regard the Department of Defense has the same information sharing challenges as it works to become more net-centric and to have interoperability with its partners at all of the same levels.

Information sharing for DoD is defined as “Making Information Available to participants (people, processes or systems).”  Information sharing includes cultural,


managerial and technical behaviors by which one participant leverages the information created or held by another.  The DoD touchstones of information sharing are: Culture, Policy, Governance, Economics and Resources, Technology and Infrastructure.


The DoD Information Sharing Strategy guides the Department’s sharing of information within the DoD and with Federal, state, local, tribal, coalition partners, foreign governments and security forces, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector, hereafter referred to as external partners.


The goals of the DoD strategy are: (1) promote, encourage, and incentivize sharing; (2) achieve an extended enterprise; (3) strengthen agility in order to accommodate unanticipated partners and events; and (4) ensure trust across organizations.


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AFEI is an affiliate of the National Defense Industrial Association




Association For Enterprise Integration
2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400 • Arlington, VA 22201
Phone: 703-247-9474 • Fax: 703-522-3192
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AFEI is an affiliate of the National Defense Industrial Association.