Plans and Progress for Securing the Nation

May 14, 2001
Department of Commerce
14th Street and Constitution, N.W., Washington, D.C.

The annual forum for discussion between industry and government agencies on the
protection of our nation's critical infrastructure.

Monday, May 14, 2001
9:30 - 5:30 p.m.

James P. Sullivan
Director, Communications Federal Sector
[email protected]

Charles Greenwald
Communications SpecialistFederal Sector
[email protected]

The AFCEA Protecting e-Government in the 21st Century Conference, featuring the 2nd Annual Excellence in Electronic Critical Infrastructure Protection (e-CIP) awards. Speakers and panel members at the conference also will forecast and analyze security and e-Government trends from the national perspective of government and industry.

Speakers at the conference include:

· U.S. Sen. Robert Bennett (R-UT)
· John F. Sopka, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administration and Deputy Administrator of the Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration
· Donald W. Upson, Secretary of Technology, Commonwealth of Virginia
· Mr. John Gilligan, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Business and Information Management/Deputy Chief Information Officer
· Dr. Paula Scalingi, Director, Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection, DOE
· Ms. Judith Spencer, Chair, Federal Public Key Infrastructure Steering Committee
· Government/DoD - Mr. Paul Grant, Executive, DoD, Electronic Commerce, Office of CIO

The all-day symposium will run Monday, May 14 from 10:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sen. Bennett is scheduled to speak at 11:35 p.m.

Department of Commerce,
14th Street and Constitution, N.W., Washington, D.C. (14th Street entrance)
(202) 482-2000

Guy Copeland, Computer Sciences Corporation's (NYSE:CSC) Vice President of Information Infrastructure Advisory Programs, a leading thinker in data security and ethics, will accept an e-CIP award for his work in protecting the nation's critical IT infrastructure.
Mr. Copeland will be available to interested members of the media during the morning session. To schedule an interview, contact James Sullivan or Charles Greenwald.
Two years after a presidential directive demanding stronger protection for e-Government, the security of our nation's critical infrastructure remains at a crossroads. Join officials and executives as they grapple with the difficult questions surrounding this issue.


09:30 - 10:30 Registration, Dept. of Commerce Lobby, 14th Street Entrance (Exhibits are open in the lobby)

10:30 - 10:35 Introductions and Administrative Announcement
Ms. Sheila Andahazy, Director, Army Programs, Computer Sciences Corporation

1035 - 1105 Morning Keynote Address: Mr. John F. Sopko, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administration and Deputy Administrator of the Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration on behalf of The Honorable Donald Evans, Secretary, Department of Commerce

1105 - 1135 The Honorable Donald W. Upson, Secretary of Technology, Commonwealth of Virginia on behalf of The Honorable James Gilmore, Governor, Commonwealth of Virginia

1135 - 1155 The Honorable Robert Bennett, United States Senate, Republican-Utah

1155 - 1220 Announcement of AFCEA Awards for Excellence in Electronic Critical Infrastructure Protection (e-CIP)

1220 - 1300 Pictures and Discussions with AFCEA e-CIP Award Winners and Buffet Luncheon (Distributed among open exhibits in lobby)

1300 - 1500 Session I - Government e-Business Secure Program Initiatives - Ongoing and Planned

1300 - 1315 Moderator - Mr. John Gilligan, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Business and Information Management/Deputy Chief Information Officer

1315 - 1330 Mr. Daniel Mehan, Assistant Administrator for Information Services and Chief Information Officer, FAA

1330 - 1345 Dr. Paula Scalingi, Director, Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection, DOE

1345 - 1400 Mr. Stanley Jarocki, Vice President, Morgan Stanley

1400 - 1415 Mr. John S. Tritak, Director of the Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office

1415 - 1500 Audience Questions and Answers

1500 - 1530 Refreshment Break (Exhibits are open in the lobby)

1530 - 1730 Session II - Federal Government PKI Industry Report - Recommendations and Security issues surrounding the Federal Government's e-Business
09:30 - 10:30 Registration, Dept. of Commerce Lobby, 14th Street Entrance (Exhibits are open in the lobby)

10:30 - 10:35 Introductions and Administrative Announcement
Ms. Sheila Andahazy, Director, Army Programs, Computer Sciences Corporation

1035 - 1105 Morning Keynote Address: Mr. John F. Sopko, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administration and Deputy Administrator of the Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration on behalf of The Honorable Donald Evans, Secretary, Department of Commerce

1105 - 1135 The Honorable Donald W. Upson, Secretary of Technology, Commonwealth of Virginia on behalf of The Honorable James Gilmore, Governor, Commonwealth of Virginia

1135 - 1155 The Honorable Robert Bennett, United States Senate, Republican-Utah

1155 - 1220 Announcement of AFCEA Awards for Excellence in Electronic Critical Infrastructure Protection (e-CIP)

1220 - 1300 Pictures and Discussions with AFCEA e-CIP Award Winners and Buffet Luncheon (Distributed among open exhibits in lobby)

1300 - 1500 Session I - Government e-Business Secure Program Initiatives - Ongoing and Planned
1300 - 1315 Moderator - Mr. John Gilligan, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Business and Information Management/Deputy Chief Information Officer
1315 - 1330 Mr. Daniel Mehan, Assistant Administrator for Information Services and Chief Information Officer, FAA
1330 - 1345 Dr. Paula Scalingi, Director, Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection, DOE
1345 - 1400 Mr. Stanley Jarocki, Vice President, Morgan Stanley
1400 - 1415 Mr. John S. Tritak, Director of the Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office
1415 - 1500 Audience Questions and Answers

1500 - 1530 Refreshment Break (Exhibits are open in the lobby)

1530 - 1730 Session II - Federal Government PKI Industry Report - Recommendations and Security issues surrounding the Federal Government's e-Business
1530 - 1540 Introduction - Ms. Judith Spencer, Chair, Federal Public Key Infrastructure Steering Committee, GSA
1540 - 1555 Moderator - Mr. Guy Copeland, Vice President, Information Infrastructure Advisory Programs, Computer Sciences Corporation
1555 - 1610 Government/DoD - Mr. Paul Grant, Executive, DoD, Electronic Commerce, Office of CIO
1610- 1625 Emerging Best Practices - Ms. Keren Cummins, Vice President Government Services, Digital Signature Trust
1625 - 1640 Legal Issues - Mr. Chris Yukins, Partner, Holland & Knight LLP
1640 - 1655 Policy - Mr. John R. Wall, Director, Computer Sciences Corporation
1655 - 1710 Technical - Mr. Gary Moore, Technical Director, Entrust Technologies, Inc.
1710 - 1730 Audience Questions and Answers

1530 - 1540 Introduction - Ms. Judith Spencer, Chair, Federal Public Key Infrastructure Steering Committee, GSA
1540 - 1555 Moderator - Mr. Guy Copeland, Vice President, Information Infrastructure Advisory Programs, Computer Sciences Corporation
1555 - 1610 Government/DoD - Mr. Paul Grant, Executive, DoD, Electronic Commerce, Office of CIO
1610- 1625 Emerging Best Practices - Ms. Keren Cummins, Vice President Government Services, Digital Signature Trust
1625 - 1640 Legal Issues - Mr. Chris Yukins, Partner, Holland & Knight LLP
1640 - 1655 Policy - Mr. John R. Wall, Director, Computer Sciences Corporation
1655 - 1710 Technical - Mr. Gary Moore, Technical Director, Entrust Technologies, Inc.
1710 - 1730 Audience Questions and Answers


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