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  • Integrated Supply Chain
  • Creating the Virtual Enterprise
  • Performance Measures
  • Benchmarking
  • Building the E-Business Enterprise
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • Enterprise Modeling
  • Process Modeling
  • Other

"Enterprise Design & Performance" involves all the activities which organizations ("enterprises") perform to improve productivity, gain and maintain competitive advantage, optimize resources, deliver quality products and services, and meet customer expectations and demand. These can include traditional activities such as reorganization, concentration on core products and competencies, niche marketing, acquisition, merger, and new technologies. Enterprise Engineering also includes new techniques and methods such as business process re-engineering, continuous process improvement, total quality management, enterprise architecture, and enterprise integration.

In a continually changing and unpredictable competitive environment, the Enterprise Engineer addresses a fundamental question: "how to design and improve all elements associated with the total enterprise through the use of engineering and analysis methods and tools to more effectively achieve its goals and objectives". The complexities of the modern enterprise and the challenging environment in which the enterprise exists demand a new type of engineering professional. The Enterprise Design & Performance Domain of AFEI has been created to address these holistic issues related to improving the efficiency of the entire enterprise.

Enterprise Design & Performance has many purposes, all related to re-engineering business procedures, improving business operations and improving systems development productivity and effectiveness. These include organizational planning, application development, information systems planning and systems re-engineering. The following sections offer an introduction to the principles and characteristics of Enterprise Engineering and its many benefits. Organizations that adopt EE find that it:

  • Provides a framework for managing change
  • Promotes corporate strategy
  • Facilitates communication and creates synergy
  • Maximizes corporate expertise
  • Improves the quality of information systems development
  • Streamlines operations
  • Increases the shared use of information
  • Protects current system investments
  • Reduces system maintenance
  • Saves time, effort and money


  • Enterprise Resource Planning
  • Product Data Management/Product Information Management
  • Web Commerce
  • Networks and Security
  • Standards and Interoperability
  • Internet Service Provider
  • Object Oriented Technology
  • XML
  • Simulation & Modeling
  • Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals
  • Other

Providing the right information in the right form at the right time and at the right place: requires information sharing systems and integration platforms capable of handling information transactions across heterogeneous environments. We will be dealing with environments which consists of heterogeneous hardware, different operating systems and monolithic software applications (legacy systems). Also, environments which cross-organizational boundaries and link the operation of different organizations on a temporal basis and with short set-up times and limited time horizon (extended and virtual enterprises). The Information Integration Technology Domain of AFEI has been created to address and explore the latest relevant issues, technologies and techniques in this area.



One thing that distinguishes today's successful enterprise, business and government, is the ability to adapt to changes in environment, in markets, and in customer expectations. In order to survive into the 21st century, an enterprise must make change management an integral, enterprise-wide process. The nation's newest management "gurus" urge enterprise executives and managers to think in radical terms, often recommending dramatic overhaul of entire operations at a single stroke.

Enterprise Engineering and Integration, which applies equally to well-established and newly-forming enterprises, responds to the fundamental business drivers of the 21st Century and beyond: migration to "agile" production (whatever one produces), globalization of markets, changing labor pools, and volatile political and business environments. The Leadership and Enterprise Change Management Domain of AFEI has been created to address and explore the latest issues and techniques associated with Leadership and Enterprise Change Management .


  • E-Vision
  • Partnerships
  • Other

If the ability to adapt to changes and trends in environment, in markets, and in customer expectations is a critical thing that distinguishes today's successful enterprises, then the ability to be on the forefront of and continuously informed about these inevitable changes, trends and opportunities will be crucial. The Enterprise Market Trends Domain of AFEI has been created to proactively identify, address and promulgate useful information regarding these changes, trends and opportunities.

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President's Corner
AFEI Belguim
AFEI Member Survey

Logistics Supply Chain Integration Training,
March 19

Securing America's Future:Enterprise Integration For Successful Governing,
May 1-3

Defense 21


2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400 • Arlington, VA 22201
Phone: 703-247-9474 • Fax: 703-522-3192
For more information, e-mail [email protected]
Directions to AFEI
AFEI is an affiliate of the National Defense Industrial Association.