Expo Bytes in Review

The eleventh annual 21st Century Commerce Exposition was held at the Long Beach Convention Center, October 26-29, 1998. The 1998 conference was attended by 1,850 cyber-connected professionals.

The week's activity included five educational tutorials, thirteen plenary speakers, seven specialty forums, six technical tracks with ninety-five presentations, and sixty-eight exhibiting companies demonstrating business solutions services and products. 21st Century Commerce Exposition is the long running U.S. conference produced by the Association For Enterprise Integration (read about AFEI at www.afei.org). In 1998 21st Century Commerce hosted the flagship conference of the CALS International entity, CALS EXPO International 1998. The two events brought hundreds of business leaders from around the world in one forum to share their views on global electronic business.

21st Century Commerce 1998 began with a grand Ribbon Cutting ceremony on Monday, October 26. Exhibition attendees were welcomed by Guy Curtis, Chairman of the Board of Directors, AFEI, Don Westerheide, Chairman of the CALS International Board of Directors, the Honorable Gary Bachula, Acting Under Secretary for Technology, Department of Commerce, Roger Podwosky, Vice President and General Manager, FEDEX, Claudia "Scottie" Knott, Director, Joint Electronic Commerce Program Office, and John Seely-Gant, the 1998 Conference Chair.

The conference opened on Tuesday morning with three distinguished plenary speakers. Moderator, Guy Curtis, introduced The Honorable Steve Horn, (R-CA) Chairman, Subcommittee on Government Management Information and Technology, Ryozo Hayashi, Director-General for Machinery and Information Industries Policy, MITI, Japan, and John Connors, Vice president, Chief Information Officer, Microsoft.

For the very first time conference delegates were given the opportunity to hear a panel of distinguished guests from five world organizations. The session, 21st Century Commerce - Global Prosperity or Economic Decline, was the brainchild of Michio Naruto, Vice-Chairman, Fujitsu Limited. Mr. Naruto was joined by moderator, Mervyn Rogers, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Carolos Braga, the World Bank, Risaburo Nezu, Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD), Joe Young, Global Information Infrastructure Commission (GIIC), Theodore Irmer, International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and Paul Timmers, European Commission.

For the Wednesday afternoon plenary, attendees were privileged to hear presentations from two leading industrialists, Michio Naruto, Fujitsu Limited, Livingston Holder, The Boeing Company and the U.S. Department of Defense Electronic Commerce Program Office Director, Scottie Knott. Mr. Naruta reflected on further growth in CALS. Mr. Holder expounded on "Commerce Via the Office in the Sky," and Ms. Knott gave a briefing on Electronic Commerce in Action..

Mr. Jim Meadlock, Chief Executive Officer, Intergraph Corporation, was the guest speaker during the closing Plenary of 21st Century Commerce 1998. Mr. Meadlock spoke on Global Design Life Cycle Management. His very informative briefing was summarized in this statement: While it is true that a picture is worth a thousand words, the view must be selectable and "other data" must be accessible and relateable.

Mr. John Seely-Gant, Director, Enterprise Integration at Concurrent Technologies Corporation and the 1998 Conference Chair presented "The Route Forward." Mr. Seely-Gant succinctly summarized the issues and topics from the 1998 conference, which he recommended to be carried forward by the Association For Enterprise Integration and the International CALS Congress for 1999. The 21st Century Commerce 1999 will be held in San Diego, California, November 30 -December 2. CALS Expo International 1999 will take place in London, England, October 12-14.

The fifth annual 1998 CALS Awards Dinner was held Tuesday evening, October 27, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. The gala evening affair opened with the Bytes at a Glance Video, produced and supported by Computer Sciences Corporation. For your pleasure and entertainment, the video is available for viewing by clicking here < insert video>.

The 1998 conference closed with the official transfer of the CALS Expo International flag where it will
be displayed during the international event in London. Mr. Norman Schofield, Chairman of the UKCIC Executive Committee, official accepted the flag from Thomas Murphy, Vice Chairperson, AFEI Board
of Directors.

Mrs. Elaine Litman, PricewaterhouseCoopers, the 21st Century Commerce 1999 conference chair officially adjourned the 21st Century Commerce 1998: Host of CALS Expo International with a personal invitation to conference delegates to attend 21st Century Commerce 1999 in San Diego, California, November 30-December 2.

That's all folks - see you in San Diego!

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