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Information Assurance
Seminar Series

Security Policy Management for Service Oriented Architecture

Software Assurance


June 27 , 2006

Hyatt, Crystal City

2799 Jeff Davis Highway
Arlington, VA 22202
(703) 418 - 1234

In Cooperation with the DoD CIO and NSA

Sponsored by:

Keynote Speaker

Bryan J. Aucoin,
Chief Architect, Office of the Director for National Intelligence

Featured Speakers

Conference Chair

Steve Orrin, Director of Security Solutions, Intel Corp

Jim Richmann, Principal Architect, Enterprise Platforms Group, Intel Corp. and former VP and Chief Technology Architect at the NASDAQ
Dr. Toufic Boubez, Chief Technology Officer, Layer 7 Technologies Kevin T. Smith, Technical Director, Net-Centric Futures, McDonald Bradley
Mitchell Komoroff, co-chair, DoD Software Assurance Initiative, ASD (NII)
Kris Britton, Director, Center for Assured Software, NSA
John McLaughlin, IBM
Hart Rossman, Chief Security Technologist, SAIC
Dr. Tom Longstaff , Senior Staff, Software Engineering Institute, CMU

Contact Betsy Lauer at (703) 247-9473 or [email protected] for more information  


Information assurance (IA) deals equally with protection and trust. IA is not confined solely to computer systems, nor to information in an electronic or machine-readable form. It applies to all aspects of safeguarding or protecting information or data.

Seminar Purpose: This seminar addresses Security Policy Management for SOA and Software Assurance for the purpose of informing attendees on how to manage security policy in a SOA and to examine emerging initiatives in software assurance. The seminar will:

  • Focus on the status net-centric computing, GIG, and emerging service-oriented architecture (SOA) and their interdependencies.
  • Investigate security policy framework, software assurance, and the state of technology to support service-enabled solutions.
  • Assess progress on establishing software assurance implementation and metrics
  • Review SafeSOA Policy Framework for SOA, net-centric computing, and the GIG
  • Provide an open forum to present the requirements & perspective of end-users, industry associations, and vendors involved with GIG, Net-centric Computing, and SOA
  • Determine next steps for the SafeSOA task force and vendors
  • Establish understanding of near-term actions for software assurance

Download current agenda.

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Why attend:

  • Attendees will hear from end-users and industry experts on specific requirements and the interdependencies of Net-centric Computing, SOA, and GIG.
  • Attendees will learn about technologies and frameworks that are emerging that can provide dynamic security, multi-modal reliability, and effective governance for service enabled environments.
  • Attendees can provide input and become involved in future iterations of the SafeSOA framework.

Participants will learn:

  • The most up-to-date strategies, techniques, and technologies for secure Service-Oriented Architectures and Open Source Software
  • Current software assurance initiatives and their impact on acquisition
  • Government requirements emerging from IA architecture and FISMA compliance
  • How exposing APIs for consumption will be a differentiation and will allow operating models based on transactions
  • A scalable technology framework for effective dynamic security (confidentiality, integrity, etc.), multi-modal reliability (operate in a disconnected/multi-network environment), and governance (enforceable contracts/SLA)
  • Hear from end-users and industry experts on specific requirements and the interdependencies of net-centric computing, SOA, and GIG.
  • About technologies and frameworks that are emerging that can provide dynamic security, multi-modal reliability, and effective governance for service enabled environments.
  • Attendees can provide input and become involved in future iterations of the SafeSOA framework.

About the AFEI IA Working Group Seminar Series

  • Provide open forums to present the requirements & perspective of end-users, industry associations, and vendors involved with GIG, Net-centric Computing, and SOA.
  • Establish collaborative projects between industry and government that substantially and positively impact IA policy and the ability of industry to comply with those policies
  • Reviews the status of IA efforts of government and industry on a regular basis
  • Provide Community of Practice networking opportunities to further knowledge dissemination across the defense community
  • Establish next steps for the IA Working Group.

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Registration Fees

Meeting 6A08







(On or After 6/6/06)

(On 6/27/06)





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Industry/Non AFEI Members




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Association For Enterprise Integration
2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400 • Arlington, VA 22201
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