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Trusted Information Sharing
Trustworthiness in Multinational
Collaborative Information Sharing
Hyatt, Crystal City
2799 Jeff Davis Highway
Arlington, VA 22202
(703) 418-1234

A briefing and seminar on emerging contractual requirements for identity verification

This briefing is intended for defense community executives who are faced with having to implement internal identity management systems and who will also have to comply with emerging government regulations.

Featured Speakers

Priscilla Guthrie
Deputy CIO, Department of Defense

Paul Brinkley
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Business Transformation (Invited)

John Taylor
Director General Information, UK Ministry of Defence

The US DoD and UK MoD have stated that identity verification, such as that mandated by FIPS 201, is a critical aspect of protecting information and establishing reliable trust mechanisms in the digital domains. They agree in principle that through mechanisims such as public ket infrastructures and third-party bridges a federation scheme is required across industry and government.


This conference is produced by the Association for Enterprise Integration in Partnership with DoD, the UK MoD, UKCEB and TransAtlantic Secure Collaboration Program.

Download Program (pdf)

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Focus: Trustworthiness in Multinational Collaborative Information Sharing
Information is the life-blood of government and business. Protecting it in a ubiquitously networked business environment is a major challenge. Companies need to establish their trustworthiness to accept others’ information, their ability to protect it and demonstrate their compliance with regulations. Multinational corporations with international customers and suppliers will need complex solutions and both the risks and the costs inherent in these be reduced.

Why this conference?
Defense companies increasingly have to share information with more organizations for successful program management both nationally and internationally. At the same time there are more and more policies and regulations governing the security of such information. These range from export controls, intellectual property rights, to national security and other requirements for protecting technology that might emerge from the Defense programs.

Governments will be demanding that new measures are introduced for authorizing access to defense information. The seminar on “Trustworthiness in Multinational Collaborative Information Sharing” will address these issues and the way in which defense companies might respond. It is aimed at senior executives from aerospace and defense companies who must care about safeguarding their information.

Who should attend?
Individuals who are interested in the following issues:

  • Operational – How will we re-use a corporate collaborative capability between multiple programs?
  • Commercial – How will our Intellectual Property be protected in collaborative programs?
  • Compliance – How will we manage technology transfer and demonstrate compliance with multi-jurisdictional export control regulations?
  • Personnel – How will we meet emerging US and UK requirements for identity assurance of our employees and contractors, and how will we protect their personal privacy data?
  • Financial – How will we contain the costs of working with multiple suppliers, partners and customers?
  • Information – How will we manage our information to meet the business requirements for secure collaboration that will be achievable and cost effective?
  • Security – How will we establish assured trust mechanisms amongst our partners that will stand up to 3rd party audit?
  • IT – How will we build the systems and collaborative tools to inter operate with other organizations in providing trusted environments that can be easily implemented?

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Nicole Peterson at (703) 247-9474 or [email protected]

Registration Fees







(On or After 5/18/2006)




Industry/AFEI Members



Industry/Non AFEI Members



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The Hyatt Regency Crystal City has a limited number of rooms available for the night of the conference. Individual room cancellations must be made by 6:00 pm on day of arrival to avoid a one night room and tax charge.

Please call (703) 418-1234 to make direct reservations with the hotel.

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President's Corner
AFEI Belguim
AFEI Member Survey

Enterprise Security Management
June 17-18, 2008



Association For Enterprise Integration
2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400 • Arlington, VA 22201
Phone: 703-247-9474 • Fax: 703-522-3192
For more information, e-mail [email protected]
Directions to AFEI
AFEI is an affiliate of the National Defense Industrial Association.