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International Conference on Enterprise Transformation

"Going Live with SOA"

September 13-14, 2005
Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center
Washington, DC

Meeting 5AF3

Conference Sponsors


Booz Allen Hamilton




Conference Presentations

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

8:30 AM
Welcome and Introduction
Art Fritzson, Vice President, Advanced Information Technology for Defense, Booz Allen Hamilton

Transformation of Federal Agencies:  Compelling Needs - Tangible Benefits
Dave Aucsmith, Security Architect & Chief Technology Officer Microsoft

Policy Driven SOA
Toufic Boubez, CTO Layer 7 Technologies: Co-author UDDI API Specification

10:30 AM
Next Generation Government – Services, Services Everywhere:  Now What?
Moderator: Rob Walker, BEA Systems
Rob Vietmeyer, CTO - Net Centric Enterprise Services, DISA
Dennis Smith, SEI
Dave Godman, BAE Systems
Keith Hurwitz, Microsoft

Business Implications and the Value of SOA
Moderator: Gregg Bjork, Weblayers
Kenneth W. Bible, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (SPAWAR)
Marty Dowd, L-3 Titan Corporation
Yoav Intrator, Dovel Technologies

12:00 PM
Awards Lunch
Beth Gold-Bernstein, co-author of Enterprise Integration, The Essential Guide to Enterprise Solutions and VP Strategic Products and Services, ebizQ

1:30 PM
Government SOA/Web Services Implementation Case Studies
Moderator: Tammy A. Janorske, webMethods, Inc.
Greg Wenzel, Booz Allen Hamilton
Drew Soltis, Accenture
Karla Timmons, General Services Administration

Meta-Data Management
Moderator: Rob Cardwell, MetaMatrix
Drew Cohen, Booz Allen Hamilton
Ray Piasecki, BAE Systems
Gregg Hanold, Scientific Research Corporation
Mike Evanoff, Mantech

3:30 PM
Managing NetCentric Systems Panel
Moderator: John Emerson, AmberPoint
Tim Bass, SilkRoad
Dennis Nadler, Merlin Technical Solutions
Rob Vietmeyer, DISA

Day 2

8:30 AM
Compliance, Security and Information Integration
Moderator: Stephen DeAngelis, Enterra Solutions
Jason Glazier, Lincoln Financial
Representative Geoffrey Davis (KY)
Darryl Lowry, NCI

10:30 AM
SOA Security & Information Assurance
Moderator: J.R Reagan, Bearing Point
M. Greg Shanton, Computer Associates
James N. Richmann, Intel
Tony Cole, Symantec

Creating an Interoperable SOA Governance Solution: Making Governance Work
Moderator: David Butler, Systinet
Col Paul K. Hilton, C4/CIO Department Headquarters, USMC
Gary Winkler, Governance, Acquisition & Chief Knowledge Office HQDA CIO/G-6
Rob Vietmeyer, CTO - Net Centric Enterprise Services, DISA
LtCol Joe Besselman, GCSS-AF

1:00 PM
Assuring Quality Information
Moderator:Chip Block, Spearhead Innovations
Jarl Magnusson, Det Norske Veritas
Terry Mansfield, Unisys Corporation
Kinsey Wilson, USAtoday.com

Realizing and Assessing Service Oriented Architectures (SOAs)
Moderators: Ron Schuldt, Lockheed Martin
Sandeep Maripuri, Booz Allen Hamilton
Glenda S. Hayes, The MITRE Corporation
Bradley L. Stone, Booz Allen Hamilton






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