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“Learning from the Past - Preparing for the Future”

April 7-8, 2004
McLean Hilton
7920 Jones Branch Drive
Vienna, Virginia

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About the Conference
This annual conference was held by the NetCentric Operations Industry Forum (NCOIF). The NCOIF facilitates government and industry information exchange on the development of net-centric capabilities for the Defense Department.

The conference examined lessons learned from Operation Iraqi Freedom and how they are being applied to DoD initiatives. The program featured speakers on CONOPS and requirements, innovation and experimentation, acquisition programs, and technology. The impact of net-centric operations on the Defense Industrial Base was also discussed.

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Program Agenda

All of the following presentations are in PDF format.

Wednesday, April 7


Call to Order

David E. Chesebrough
President, AFEI



LtGen Frank B. Campbell, USAF (ret)
Lockheed Martin


Global Strategy Update

Dr. Thomas P.M. Barnett
Barnett Consulting
Author of The Pentagon's New Map: War and Peace in the 21st Century


Keynote Introduction

Cornerstone Keynote

  • Honorable Jacques Gansler
    Chairman, NCOIF and Dean, University of Maryland
  • LTG Robert W. Wagner, USA
    Deputy Commander, USJFCOM


Joint Requirements Session

  • LtGen James Cartwright, USMC
    Director, Force Structure, Resources, and Assessment, The Joint Staff
  • BGen Marc Rogers, USAF
    Director, Joint Requirements and Integration, USJFCOM


Luncheon Speaker

Francis J. "Bing" West
Author: The March Up


NCOIF Update

Dave Chesebrough
President, AFEI


Operational Perspective Session


Evolving to Adaptive Enterprises Session

Sense & Respond for Military Logistics

(Adventures from the Transformation Highway)


Panel Discussion on Adaptive Enterprises and Sense & Respond

  • Stephan Haeckel
    Adaptive Business Design, Inc.
    Author: Adaptive Enterprise
  • Vince Barabba
    Chairman, Internet Home Alliance and Former General Manager for Strategy and Knowledge Development, GM
  • Alex Smirnow
    OADUSD Logistics Plans & Programs


Thursday, April 8


Call to Order

LtGen Frank B. Campbell, USAF (ret) Lockheed Martin


Capstone Keynote

VADM Arthur Cebrowski, USN (ret)
Director, Force Transformation, OSD


Securing COTS in Critical Defense Systems

  • John Warther - Moderator
    Green Hills Software
  • Dan O'Dowd
    Founder and President
    Green Hills Software
  • Mark Van Fleet
    Senior INFOSEC Engineer
  • Joe Loughry
    Senior Security Manager
    Lockheed Martin


Event-Driven Architectures for Net-Centric Applications

  • James Eccleston - Moderator
    SRA International
  • Santosh Alexander
    Co-founder and Senior Vice President
  • John Garstka
    Assistant Director for Concepts and Operations, Office of Force Transformation

Capability Acquisition:
Buying Interdependency -
Challenges and Opportunities


Net-centricity and Net-centric Enterprise Services (NCES)

How DoD programs get through a Net-centric Program Evaluation and retain funding.

Michael Krieger
Director, Information Management, Office of the Deputy CIO, OASD (NII)

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For general information, or to register for this event, please contact Betsy Lauer at (703) 247-9473 or [email protected].

The Department of Defense finds this event meets the minimum regulatory standards for attendance by DoD employees. This finding does not constitute blanket approval or endorsement for attendance. Individual DoD Component commands or organizations are responsible for approving attendance of its DoD employees based on mission requirements and DoD regulations.

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Platinum, Gold, and Silver levels of sponsorships are available for the conference.

Platinum Sponsors


Silver Sponsors

If you have any questions regarding sponsorships at this event, please contact: Betsy Lauer at (703) 247-9473 or e-mail: [email protected].

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President's Corner
AFEI Belguim
AFEI Member Survey

Strategy for Information Sharing Technology in 2010
November 30 - December 1



Association For Enterprise Integration
2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400 • Arlington, VA 22201
Phone: 703-247-9474 • Fax: 703-522-3192
For more information, e-mail [email protected]
Directions to AFEI
AFEI is an affiliate of the National Defense Industrial Association.