DI2E Plugfest – Terms, Rules and Regulations

Booth Space Reservation:
Once booth space is reserved via the NDIA Exhibits E-portal,
exhibits.afei.org/plugfest2016, the exhibitor and exhibiting company is in agreement with all terms, rules and regulations set forth in the following paragraph's in this documentation.

The word "Organizer" as used herein shall mean the sponsoring organization association or institute or its officers (event or exhibit POC), agents or employees acting for it, in the management of the exhibit. In this instance, Organizer shall be Association for Enterprise Information (AFEI), an affiliate of National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA).

Payment Information:
All payments must be made in US dollars, per rates listed on the Plugfest exhibits website (exhibits.afei.org/plugfest2016) or the DI2E Plugfest website (
di2eplugfest.org). In the event a credit card is not used for full payment of the online booth purchase, a check for the full amount must be received by AFEI/NDIA within (10) ten days of reserving space; after March 1, 2016 check payments must be received within five (5) days. If check payment is not received, then a credit card will be expected for means of payment. The Vendor PoC may login to their established account (Manage account) to retrieve invoices.
Should payment terms not be met, this could result in forfeiture of your prime booth space. This would alter your preferred exhibit space to be reassigned and will require a re-submittal of your application with full payment by credit card.

Booth registrations for Plugfest eXchange (PX) exhibitors must be procured by Monday, April 12, 2016 due to the implementation and integration processes (any extension of this date may be determined by Exhibits PoC and the Plugfest EFT/Framework Team).

A company wishing to exhibit as a non-PX exhibitor (non-participant in the Plugfest eXchange (PX) environment) must be registered and paid by May 10, 2016.

The Dewberry Hall (vendor showcase) and the Dewberry Lobby have limited booth space. All Booth placements in the Dewberry Hall are delegated to those PX participants on a first come, first paid basis. Participants wanting to exhibit as non-PX may have first come, first paid options in the Dewberry Lobby. The program agenda will be held in the Theatre/Cinema Auditorium.

All booth purchases are based on a flat fee structure and not on square footage. An outline of what is included for each exhibitor’s booth space purchase is shown on the “cost to exhibit” participation tab.

Registrations will not be taken over the phone; payment must be made at the time of registration. A credit card is the preferred payment method. Check payment will also be accepted per the terms of payment outlined. The PX participant’s cut-off date, April 12, 2016, is essential in order to receive the Plugfest eXchange (PX) Vendor Packet and begin the vendor implementation. After this date, there will be limited integration time provided by the Plugfest Team.

Additional confirmations and information will be requested by the Plugfest team. A request of an exhibiting company representative (Vendor PoC) and Technical PoC will need to confirm the following after booking exhibit space.  Exhibit purchase details and a link to the DI2E Plugfest Onboarding Guide will be provided in the Booth Confirmation Email sent to the exhibiting Vendor PoC  - note: the Technical PoC/team lead will need this information forwarded to them if they are not serving as the Vendor PoC as well.

Upon completion of the booth selection and payment, the Vendor PoC will need to provide their company Technical PoC (and team) further details on how to complete the technical accounts required by the Plugfest PX Team for the technical onboarding.

Plugfest Technical Onboarding process  (see Onboarding Guide)
1. DI2E.net account (devtools),
2. Plugfest eXchange (PX) account (cloud environment access)
3. Also, found on the WIKI links, any IT information related to collecting VM and/or connectivity information.

The initial account DI2E.net account will require requested documentation to confirm the question(s) below: 
1. Is your company incorporated in the U.S.?
2. Is your company incorporated in Canada? but you have U.S. Citizen employees?
3. Is your company incorporated in another country other than the U.S. or Canada?

Should there be any questions on booth or staff registrations, you may email AFEI Exhibit POC/Organizer, Tammy Kicker [email protected] or call (703) 247-9494. 
All other technical information/ questions /requests, should be sent to [email protected].

As a condition of participating in DI2E Plugfest, your company will also be required to follow the guidance regarding us of the Gold Star Recognition in marketing materials and corporate publicity. This will be updated and posted on the event website and noted to all exhibiting companies in their confirmation emails.

Cancellation/Refund Information:
All cancellations must be submitted in writing to the Plugfest Exhibits POC. Due to the technical environment of the Plugfest development and implementation, cancellation refunds will be honored up to the tenth (10th) day from booth registration (i.e. booth booked 12/16 but decided to cancel on 12/26=100% refund of booth fee paid). After the tenth (10th) day, any cancellation refund will be less 50% of the total booth fee paid. No refunds will be honored for cancellations after Monday, February 29, 2016.

Refund policy also applies to the additional booth personnel (up to two only) that may have been booked. AFEI also reserves the right to relocate any exhibitor’s booth based on the logistics and safety of the exhibit floor. Should relocation be required, the exhibiting company will be contacted prior to the change. Any requests by an exhibitor to change booth space could result in a change fee.

Exhibit Eligibility/Character of Exhibit:
The Organizer reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any company or product for inclusion in the Exhibit. The character of all exhibits is subject to the approval of Organizer. Organizer reserves the right to refuse contacts that do not meet the Plugfest standards and processes. This reservation applies to persons, conduct, and articles of merchandise, printed matter, souvenirs, catalogs and any other items, without limitations, that affect the character of the exhibit or meeting.

Booth Assignments:
Booth selections are at the discretion of the booking Exhibitor (Vendor PoC) and under the direction of the Plugfest Exhibits PoC. Due to the location of the Plugfest space and the considerations of the space, it is first come/first paid according to the payment guidelines noted. AFEI/NDIA/Plugfest Exhibits POC cannot guarantee that a company will not be near a contending company due to first come/first paid.

Floor Plan:
We reserve the right to rearrange the final floor plan based on unsold or unoccupied exhibit space; or the possibility of safety precautions.

Limitation of Liability:
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: (A) Neither the management of the host facility nor AFEI/NDIA shall be liable for the damage, loss or destruction to the exhibits by reason of fire, theft, accident or other destructive causes. Exhibitor shall lease booth(s) at his sole risk. Neither the management of the host facility (GMU), AFEI/NDIA nor any of their agents, servants or employees will be accountable or liable for accidents to exhibitors, their agents or employees. (B) The exhibitor shall be liable to the host facility and or AFEI/NDIA for any damage to the building and/or the furniture and fixtures contained therein which shall occur through acts or omissions of the exhibitor. (C) Exhibitor assumes the entire responsibility to their damage and hereby agrees to protect, indemnify, defend and hold harmless AFEI/NDIA, the host facility, their officers, employees, and agents against all claims, losses and damages to persons, property, governmental charges or fines, and attorney’s fees arising out of or caused by exhibitors installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy, or use of the exhibition premises or any part thereof, including any outside exhibit areas. (D) Exhibitor acknowledges that AFEI/NDIA does not maintain and is not responsible for obtaining insurance covering exhibitor’s property. Exhibitors are advised to obtain business interruption and property damage and loss insurance to cover such occurrences.

Changes & Force Majeure:
The Exhibition date and hours are as indicated on show related website and material. AFEI/NDIA reserves the right to change the Exhibition date or hours for any or no reason whatsoever. In such event, AFEI/NDIA shall attempt to notify exhibitor as much in advance as reasonably possible. AFEI/NDIA shall not be liable hereunder and shall be excused for performance for any failure or delay in the performance of its obligations on account of: Acts of God (e.g., earthquake, fire, flood, tornado, etc.), Acts of government (e.g., war, embargo, travel restrictions, etc.), Acts of man (e.g., terrorism, strike, etc.) or any other acts or omissions beyond the reasonable control of AFEI/NDIA.

Age Restrictions:
Absolutely no one under the age of 15 will be allowed access to the exhibition areas during set up/removal periods. We encourage young adults age of 15 -18 years with chaperone to attend for the purpose of STEM. College students will be required to provide student ID for access to the technical demonstrations only in the exhibit areas.

The Organizer shall have sole control over attendance policies at all times. AFEI/NDIA does not warrant or guarantee any particular results of the exhibition, nor does it guarantee a particular number of attendees or exhibitors.

Fire and theft insurance, if so desired must be taken out by each exhibitor at his own expense.

NO cash and carry sale of goods as in a retail setting is permitted from an exhibit booth or in the exhibit facility. Exhibiting companies found participating in this action, will be removed from the event and no monies will be returned for booth fees.

Defacing of Building:
Exhibitors are liable for any damage caused by fastening displays or fixtures to the building floors, walls, or to the standard booth equipment, or damage caused in any other manner. Exhibitors may not apply paint, lacquer, adhesive or any other coating to the building walls and floors or to standard booth equipment.
Pipe and drape will be provided for most booths in the main vendor showcase (Dewberry Hall). The Dewberry Hall Lobby is set to have pipe and drape; logistics and space considerations will determine the number of booth spaces allowing pipe and drape. All booths will have at least 8ft of height. Booth specifications are at the design and logistics level of the Plugfest Exhibits POC and the hosting facility.

Booth Carpeting:
Exhibit space is not carpeted but on hardwood floors. Limited floor covering may be used at the expense of the exhibitor, but not with the use of non-removable products or adhesives that leave a residue.

Use of Space:
We encourage vendor Mash-ups and technical demonstrations – but ask they be contained within the booth space and not overflow into the aisles or adjacent booths to meet safety requirements. Distribution of samples and printed matter of any kind, or any promotional material, is restricted to the confines of the exhibit booth unless prior approval is given by AFEI Exhibit POC. Sponsorships will be awarded allocation of additional collateral locations based on sponsor package procured.
Any technology equipment that may be oversized for the allotted booth space, increase to electrical provisions, or disruptive in sound to neighbor exhibits may not be permitted. Exhibiting participant may seek prior approval, but must do so within 60 days prior to event (April 1, 2016)

Sound Devices:
Sound of any kind must not be projected outside the confines of the exhibit booth. If the nature of the equipment or booth demonstration to be displayed is such that a loud noise is part of the performance for your neighboring exhibitor please advise the AFEI Exhibit POC. Mechanical or electrical devices, which produce sound, must be operated so as not to prove disturbing to other exhibitors. Management reserves the right to determine the acceptable sound level in all instances. This will be strictly enforced.

Camera/Recording Equipment:
Unauthorized photography, video, audio and other recording devices will not be permitted in the presentation rooms and/or exhibit hall and lobby.

Exhibitor Representatives Responsibility:
Each exhibitor must name at least one person to be his representative in connection with installation, operation and removal of exhibit. Such representative shall be authorized to enter into such service contracts as may be necessary, and for which the Exhibitor shall be responsible.

Food & Beverage:
The Organizers must approve requests for any distribution of food and beverages that may impede the event during exhibit hours, to include but not limited to distribution of popcorn, excessively aromatic food/beverage, and inappropriate alcoholic beverages.

Exhibitors must comply with any union work rules where applicable. Union labor will be made available, but is not exclusive. There may be somre union rules by external resources for this event at GMU.

Exhibit Logistics:
Detailed data, in the form of an Exhibitor Service document, will be made available to each exhibitor in ample time for advance planning. The Exhibitor Service document will contain information regarding shipment, labor, electrical services, and rental items, exhibit hours, etc. Service order forms for all available services will be included and should be returned promptly.

Failure to Occupy Space:
Exhibitors should occupy their booth by 7:00AM, June 1-2 prior to the opening of the keynote or opening sessions. Please notify AFEI Exhibit POC of your intentions if you plan to arrive later than the noted time. There will be setup and integration time on Tuesday, May 31st. Details will be updated on the Exhibit website.

Public Event
ITAR - Foreign/International:
Companies exhibiting their technical services and products in the DI2E Plugfest must confirm and upon request show proof US citizenship of company and employee or a team member. Exhibitors are responsible for the appropriate handling of technical information presented in their space. Please review your policy documents and that of the government agencies with whom you contract regarding open/limited/restricted distribution and sharing limitations.

ITAR and EAR Regulations:
Vendor displays are subject to the International Traffic in Arms (ITAR) and the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and are limited to public domain information (ITAR Sec.120.11). In addition, displays, literature and discussions will NOT reference missions, operations or units.

Exhibitors may not assign or sublet their space to others or another company. Only one company may occupy any booth space (no sharing of space). Exhibitors may not display goods or services other than those manufactured or distributed by them.

The Organizer will employ reputable security personnel for the event May 31 and June 1.The duty of the guards will be to protect the general exhibit against fire or other catastrophes. The Organizer, Exposition Management, nor the owners or lessors of the exhibit premises will assume any responsibility for exhibitors' personal property. It is suggested that the exhibitor insure his property against loss and theft. Should an exhibitor need individual security, please contact AFEI Exhibitor POC or visit the Exhibitor Services tab.

Fire and Safety Laws:
Federal, State and City Laws must be strictly observed. Booth decorations must be flameproof. Wiring must comply with fire department and underwriters' rules. Smoking is forbidden in the Johnson Center at GMU Fairfax. Crowding will be restricted. Exhibits cannot block aisles and fire exits.

Compliance with Laws:
Exhibitors must comply with all laws, rules, regulations and ordinances in force.

Rejected Displays:
The exhibitor agrees that his exhibit shall be admitted and shall remain from day to day solely on strict compliance with the rules herein laid down. The Organizer reserves the right to reject, eject or prohibit
any exhibit in whole or in part, or any exhibitor or his representative, with or without giving cause. If cause is not given, liability shall not exceed the return to the exhibitor of the amount of rental unearned at the time of ejection. If an exhibit or exhibitor is ejected for violation of these rules or for any other stated reason, no return of rental shall be made.

Amendment to Rules:
Any and all matters or questions not specifically covered by the preceding rules and regulations shall be subject solely to the decision of the Organizer. The Organizer may amend these rules and regulations at any time and all amendments so made shall be binding on exhibitors equally with the foregoing rules and regulations.