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 Enterprise Security Management 2008 


 Spring Forum 

Event Number



 6/17/2008  to 6/18/2008 


 Bellvue, WA 


 Nicole Davis 



This conference will continue and focus the exchange of community perspectives which began at the September 2007 ESM Fall Festival to increase understanding and awareness of ESM across both the public and private sectors by engaging government, industry and allies. Our objectives are to:

  • Understand operational demands and market pressures that drive ESM solutions
  • Develop and refine architectural concepts for future ESM capabilities
  • Identify available commercial and Government solutions and innovative approaches to address critical ESM gaps
  • Discuss ESM challenges for federating external partner operations


Major Topics:

  • Federated Operations - Reaching to External Partners
  • Role of Commercial Standards - Proprietary vs. Open Source
  • Scaling for a Global Enterprise
  • Balancing Privacy and Confidence
  • Dynamic Policy Management
  • Privilege Management
  • IA and Cyber Defense


Click here for the latest confernce agenda.

Key Speakers:

Tony W. Sager - NSA
Mr. Sager is the Chief of the Vulnerability Analysis and Operations (VAO) Group, part of the Information Assurance Directorate at the National Security Agency. The mission of the VAO organization is to identify, characterize, and put into operational context vulnerabilities found in the technology, information, and operations of the DoD and the national security community and to help the community identify countermeasures and solutions. This group is known for its work developing and releasing security configuration guides to provide customers with the best options for securing widely used products.

Robert McGraw - NSA
Mr. McGraw is the Technical Director for the Information Assurance Architecture and Systems Security Engineering Group at the National Security Agency (NSA). His group is responsible for defining the information assurance capabilities for the Department of Defense’s (DoD) Global Information Grid, which will transform DoD’s approach for communications and information management. They are also responsible for providing Information Systems Security Engineering services to a vast array of DoD and other government programs.

Marcia Weaver - NSA
Ms Marcia Weaver is the Chief of the Enterprise Security Management Special Program Office.  Enterprise Security Management provides the foundation for defending and protecting an enterprise, for ensuring the trust and integrity of enterprise information, and allows flexible and fine-grained control of information sharing. Ms. Weaver has 25 years experience at NSA, ten of those years within the Information Assurance field.  Her previous experience before her current position was in the DoD’s National Information Assurance Research Laboratory (NIARL) as the NIARL Program Manager. 

Mary Ann Davidson - Oracle
Mary Ann Davidson is the Chief Security Officer at Oracle Corporation, responsible for Oracle product security, as well as security evaluations, assessments and incident handling.  She represents Oracle on the Board of Directors of the Information Technology Information Security Analysis Center (IT-ISAC), is a member of the Global Chief Security Officer Council, and is on the editorial advisory board of SC Magazine.

David Aucsmith - Microsoft
Mr. Aucsmith is the Security Architect and Chief Technology Officer of the Security Business & Technology Unit at Microsoft Corp. He is responsible for defining the overall security architecture for Microsoft® products, including the Windows® platforms and solutions based on these platforms. He is currently working on a unified security architecture that spans Microsoft’s products. In addition, he is responsible for government-specific features in the Windows platform. Before joining Microsoft in August 2002, Aucsmith was the chief security architect for Intel Corp. from 1994 to 2002.

Bill Vass - Sun Microsystems
Mr. Vass is the President and COO, Sun Microsystems Federal, Inc.
He joins Chairman Scott McNealy in continuing to help government organizations solve their unique challenges through sustainable computing and military grade built-in security products like the Trusted Solaris(TM) OS, identity management software and the latest industry leading Sun Fire(TM) systems and StorageTek(TM) solutions. He also served as Chief Information Officer of Sun Microsystems, Inc., where he was responsible for all aspects of Sun's global IT infrastructure and line-of-business application development, support and maintenance, including information service delivery and security.

Jeff Jonas - IBM Entity Analytic Solutions
Mr. Jonas is a Distinguished Engineer at IBM and Chief Scientist of Entity Analytic Solutions, IBM Software Group. He is responsible for shaping the overall technical strategy of next generation identity analytics and the use of this new capability in the overall IBM technology strategy. The IBM Entity Analytic Solutions group was formed based on technologies he developed as the founder and chief scientist of Systems Research & Development (SRD). Today, he applies real world and hands on experience in software design and development to drive technology innovations while delivering higher levels of privacy and civil liberties protections.

Russ Housley - Vigil Security & IETF
Mr. Housley formed Vigil Security, LLC with the goal of helping customers design and implement diligently watchful security solutions. He is co-author of the book Planning for PKI:Best Practices Guide for Deploying Public Key Infrastructure, published by John Wiley & Sons. Before starting Vigil Security, he worked at the Air Force Data Services Center (AFDSC), Xerox Special Information Systems (XSIS), SPYRUS, and RSA Laboratories.  His security research and standards interests include security protocols, certificate management, cryptographic key distribution, and high assurance design and development practices.  He is currently Chairman of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

Chris Fedde - SafeNet
Mr. Fedde is President and Chief Operating Officer of SafeNet, a global leader in information security providing complete security utilizing its encryption technologies to protect communications, intellectual property and digital identities. Throughout his tenure at SafeNet he has been a key contributor to building the company's security presence in the Federal Government and the financial community. 


Hyatt Regency Bellevue
900 Bellevue Way NE
Bellevue, WA 98004
