The Knowledge Exchange is currently under construction.

The EI Knowledge Exchange is a premier collaborative knowledge clearinghouse for enterprise integration and world class electronic business practices information.

AFEI, our members and the public login to the EI Knowledge Exchange to:

Identify and promulgate the strategies, solutions, and technologies needed to embrace change and be competitive in the e-business environment;

Create a global community that meets, exchanges ideas/information, learns and collaborates with one another;

Provide forums that support the marketing, exposure and understanding of specific EI related solutions and related technologies

Facilitating mutual understanding and access between industry and government;

Promote and facilitate industry best practices and standards.

EnterpriseLinks is a must-have list of online resources for enterprise integration professionals. This starting point will save you hours of research time by providing you with vital resources.

The Knowledge Exchange is a Pilot and currently free to AFEI members. It needs your help in order to make it successful! Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the Overview and Help links found on the Navigation Bar.



The Knowledge Exchange is currently under construction.