Inaugural Meeting - April 28-29, 1998

In his July 1, 1997 Presidential Directive on Electronic Commerce, President Clinton states that "governments must adopt a market-oriented approach to electronic commerce, one that facilitates the emergence of a global, transparent, and predictable environment to support business and commerce."

The Inaugural Meeting of the Association For Enterprise Integration provides the forum for government and industry attendees to discuss common issues associated with the new digital marketplace.

Two panels-government and industry-are planned for Tuesday morning. Three panelists from industry provide insight on what the commercial sector is doing to create a seamless electronic business environment. Government speakers present the strategy to achieve the goal of digital operations for acquisition management and life cycle integrated information.

Immediately following lunch, a panel of honored guests discuss the Department of Defense Acquisition Reform initiative. Wrapping up the afternoon we have a very informative session with representatives from the military services and OSD discussing paper-free contracting and logistics modernization.

The Tuesday evening social is a must-attend event. The Honorable Governors from four states have been invited to discuss successes they have achieved with regard to the creation of new high technology jobs.

In the Presidential Report - "A Framework for Global Electronic Commerce" - the Administration has stated that "for commerce to flourish, the private sector must lead." Wednesday sessions are focused on technically oriented segments of our industry that relate directly to best practices in the commercial sector.

Peruse the agenda to see the impressive array of speakers we have lined up for you. Register now in order to reserve your space at this Inaugural Meeting of the Association For Enterprise Integration.