Effective Business Practices through Electronic
Document Management; A Solutions Perspective

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in cooperation with

September 20 - 21, 2000
Johns Hopkins University, Columbia, MD
Applied Physics Laboratory Kossiakoff Center

(click on the titles for the presentation and on the author name for the biography)

Who Should Attend:

  • Government executives and managers who create, manage and access all forms of information documentation.
  • Information managers involved with e-Business solutions.
  • Technical planners involved with electronic document management.
  • Program managers
  • Document conversion project managers
  • Document management product and services suppliers

What Attendees Will Learn:

  • How to connect the web to your customers - Web based ordering
  • Industry best practices
  • Where are the savings
  • Selling the system, managing implementation, serving your customer
  • How to build your e-Business solution
  • New rules - New policies for information handling and security

WEDNESDAY, September 20, 2000

11:00 - 1:00 Registration

1:00 Conference Opening and Administrative Remarks
Shawn Magill, Director, DAPS Business Development, Dr. Marshall Bailey, Director, DAPS

1:30 Conference Keynote Address
Rear Admiral Raymond A. Archer III, Vice Director, Defense Logistics Agency

2:00 The Framework for the Symposium
Steve Sherman, Deputy Director, DAPS

  • The business processes of all organizations are embodied in the creation, management and use of their documents. The flexibility and portability achieved through the migration to electronic documents have revolutionized the way business is done. Effective use of the technology is challenge enough, but the solutions developed and the services offered must not lose focus on the business processes being served.
  • Determining sources for solutions and services an art-form. Providers of services in this arena must facilitate creation of new documents, conversion of legacy documents, managing the information, efficient distribution, and arranging for proper disposition - and must do so with an understanding of YOUR BUSINESS.

Government and industry experts will share their experience with electronic document systems and services, addressing key elements in three informative tracks.

Track 1 "The Document Management Challenge"

2:30 External Influences
Jonathon Womer, Policy Analyst, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Executive Office of the President

  • The government is consistently challenged; by both policy and technology.
  • Policies define responsibility to: manage records, ensure public access, protect information and prevent intrusion. Policies also urge improvement. The NPR and associated initiatives drove new thinking and stimulated exciting new processes. These rules are evolving.
  • New systems and technologies present opportunities to improve, but they also cause unplanned change.

3:00 Connecting the Web to the Customer
Norm Hubbs, Vice President, E-Government, Universal Systems Incorporated

  • Web-based order taking has become commonplace but Internet solutions are immature. Linking the customer order to the fulfillment process requires discipline in customer support, supply chain management, procurement history, warehouse and inventory management, distribution, and legacy system interface.

3:30 Records Management
Marion Cherry, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, CIO Policy & Implementation

Records management is a corporate as well as legal responsibility. It must be included in any document solution in a way that is integral to the process, intuitive in its use, and readily available to the authorized users.

THURSDAY, September 21, 2000

Track 2 "Building the Business Case"

8:30 Business Case Keynote Address
Douglas Hague, Vice President, Industry Consulting Group, XeroxConnect

9:00 Role of the Business Case
Alan Weintraub, Research Director, Document Management Space, Gartner Group

  • The business case analysis distinguishes between wants and needs. A sound business case not only compares the 'as-is' to the 'to-be' model, but also identifies: cost savings that can be directly tracked to budget, the less finite cost avoidances, and opportunity benefits that can increase revenues.

9:30 Industry Trends and Sample Methodologies
Chris Wren, Chief Technology Officer for Office of Information Technology Integration, Federal Technology Service, GSA

  • Comparing total cost of operation (TCO) under current practices to TCO under the proposed method requires participants to be objective in identifying all of the costs; some are hidden, and some are simply ignored.
  • The business process determines the questions to ask the exact methodology employed in developing the business case.

10:00 Case Histories
Bob Ryan, Senior Associate, Booze Allen, Hamilton

  • Case histories will be presented that show not only methodology but also compelling results.

1:00 IT Systems Deployment and Management Keynote Address
COL Philip Yff, USMC, Commander, Defense Logistics Information Service

Track 3 "Successful Deployment and Management of IT Systems" (Moderated Panel)
Johnny Young, Director Creativity and Emerging Technologies, General Services Administration

1:45 Requirements Coordination - 'Selling the System'
Mike Cocchiola,Vice President, Sabre Systems, Inc.

  • Customer buy-in is imperative. The 'collaborative' technique works best; define needs and solutions hand-in-hand with the customers. Balance the viewpoint among users, decision-makers and purse-holders.

2:15 Managing Implementation - Acquisition through Deployment
CAPT Ted Case, USN, Deputy Director for eBusiness, Joint Electronic Commerce program Office

  • The contract must reflect the requirements; the selection process must attain best value; technology must be appropriate for the need.
  • The customer needs, and wants, to be involved. The customer's environment is the best laboratory.
  • Deploying new processes within legacy environments requires understanding the responsibilities in establishing interface among the systems.

2:45 Operations Management - Maintaining the Customer Focus
Ralph Colavita, Strategic Acquisitions Systems, DLA-DSCP

  • Determining source of skills: in-house vs commercial. Effective operations management requires a sense of controlling customer expectation relative to system capability, and ensuring that revenues cover cost.
  • Documenting changes and clear communication are critical to satisfying customer expectation and making the best investments.

3:15 - 4:00 Panel Discussion
4:00 Closing Remarks
Dr. Marshall Bailey, Director, DAPS