Forum TM

Issue 1:99
January 1999

Inside This Issue






Support to Embassies




What is required?


Calendar and Members


An informal Embassy Information Awareness Forum (EIAF) has formed which consists of Embassies and Missions within Washington DC, supported by organizations like the U.S. Departments of State, Defense, and Commerce, and the Association For Enterprise Integration (AFEI). This informal forum will facilitate all interested governments meeting the challenges resulting from emerging information technologies.

The Embassy Information Awareness Forum’s (EIAF) mission:

Increase and elevate National Governments’ awareness, priorities, participation and guidance for Electronic Enterprises/Commerce using Shared Information Resources and Information Technology


Before the widespread use of computers, information was traditionally created on paper and filed in cabinets to ensure its integrity, security, and availability as a reference.

Advances in information technology proliferated electronic information, which is less tangible and differently protected than paper. The unprecedented uses and challenges of electronic information have created the Electronic Enterprise/Commerce (EE/C) age.

Electronic information can enable competitive advantage and more efficient use of resources. Industry and governments produce goods and deliver services without paper because it is less expensive. Orders are placed, technical drawings are created and used, and money is transferred electronically – without paper. Partnerships are formed electronically -- the companies’ physical location no longer a constraint. These "virtual" enterprises challenge paper-oriented laws and policies. How is security and integrity of electronic information maintained? How are electronically based partnerships legally protected? Are governments prepared to address these new challenges nationally and globally?

Many governments prefer to be in a pro-active mode; expediting discussion with other governments on common issues relative to information technology advancements. The Embassy Information Awareness Forum provides an ideal forum.

It is intended for the EIAF to be self-supporting through fund-raising symposia on EE/C issues.


The Embassy Information Awareness Forum will facilitate governments in getting answers to technical, economic, social, legal, security, safety, and other information technology questions in an informal setting. These answers should benefit nations in areas including commerce, trade, immigration, agriculture, finance, and defense. Questions will be channeled to the correct government office or organization for answers.

The Embassy Information Awareness Forum will support Member Embassies with:


The Embassy Information Awareness Forum is organized as a network of Embassy Members, supporters, US Government Agencies, reputable administration, and a governing Council of Senior Embassy and Government Officials.

Participation in the Embassy Information Awareness Forum is open exclusively to Embassies or other standing National Missions in the Washington, DC area, and will not require fees to participate.

What is required?

Access to the Internet & electronic mail is a requirement. An Embassy may select one or more forms of participation:

  1. Identify a Mailbox point-of-contact: this person would handle e-mail, letters and other communication between the Embassy and the Embassy Information Awareness Forum. This will take a minimum of time and requires no meetings.
  2. Identify a Member point-of-contact: this person would reserve part (5%) of his/her time to analyze questions and consequences, and actively help others increase their awareness and understanding in these issues. Meetings will be required.
  3. Identify Council Member point-of-contact: a top-level senior Embassy Official who can reserve time for two Council Meetings annually. The chairman and the other members have administrative support provided from the AFEI secretariat.



Sweden and the United Kingdom have committed to be members of the Council. The following embassies are discussing Council participation: The Netherlands, Denmark, Korea, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Switzerland, and others.

Embassy Forum TM News

Editor, Jim Martin, Logis-Tech, inc. (LTi)
5775 Barclay Drive, Suite 4
Alexandria, VA 22315-5701
E-mail: [email protected]

This issue produced by:
Vince Cannava, (LTi), 703-921-1038
Nils Johansson, SWE Embassy
John Senter, LTi
Jerry McKay, AFEI
Jarl S. Magnusson, on SWE S&T
Exchange to U.S. DoD

This copy of Embassy Forum TM News and updates will be available on the web in the near future.